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Everything posted by DeanoL

  1. I'm entirely pro self-ID for gender, but I do acknowledge that it does make single-sex spaces unenforceable at best and pointless at worst. To make self-ID viable we do need to re-assess why single-gender spaces exist and how to ensure the benefits of those spaces are maintained. It's not a simple problem but it's not an impossible one either. If all the energy spent with TERFs and trans-supporters fighting each other had been directed there, it would probably have been solved by now.
  2. Well put another way: all the pro-indie, pro-trans rights folk left Wings a while ago given how hard Stu went on that issue, leaving just the pro-indie, anti-trans rights folk left. (The whole thing made me very sad, as I grew up reading Stuart Campbell's video games journalism and he was quite brilliant. Guess similar to how many feel about Linehan now)
  3. Most of the sane readers left a while ago!
  4. Wings Over Scotland went full on Glinner a couple of years ago and is now more interested in attacking trans people than campaigning for Scottish independence, so I'm not sure how much faith I'd put in that. (Indeed, if you look at the survey in the article, the SNP are massively ahead of the other parties for "yes, we believe this party represents the views of the people on this issue" - even if it's still under 40%)
  5. Few more acts announced. Eric Rushton is well worth checking out.
  6. Would you still go if you had to pay the £350 for a ticket though?
  7. But Glasto Sunday is the 25th right - no other back to back dates on that list, always a day off in between. There's definitely a hole, but it's on the 26th, not the 25th. Easier for the Legend as it's a small slot and won't need full production but I'm not convinced it's a smoking gun. It looks more like there's a date on the 26th that hasn't be announced/confirmed yet.
  8. We camp in Rivermead on the West side and have definitely noticed an increase in late night noise levels over the past 10 years - bass noise coming from on site, not just punters. As in during 2011 it was pretty much silent there all night past 1am. These days you can still hear stuff going on until around 3-4am. Not complaining obviously, I'm at a festival, but it did take me surprise as I thought the noise issues were pretty strict other than in the SE corner.
  9. Don't think WaterAid would approve...
  10. Was £285 for the three nights. Not cheap but compared to Edinburgh it feels like a bargain. Last train into Aberdyfi is 9.47pm so you're fine for the main shows but would miss the showcases - we intended to split between driving and train but ended up just driving all three days. Alex was a total punt for us last year and we were blown away! Saw Ed a few nights ago at my gig and he was really on form. "I'm working on a new show but all I've really got for it right now is one word, but we'll start with that and see if it goes anywhere"
  11. Had our first clash already as Alex MacKeith was the best thing we saw there last year and this year he clashes with the Nish show we got tickets for... Highly recommended though - musical comedy in the Bo Burnham mode.
  12. We got ourselves booked up with accommodation a few days ago (staying at a B&B in Aberdyfi) - so far got tickets for Isy Suttie/Chris Neill, Rob Auton, Stuart Goldsmith, John-Luke Roberts and Nish. @Zoo Music Girlmust have been mere feet from you at Ed Aczel last year, given the size of that room!
  13. Nope, if someone says something is going to be, it means they're happy and wanted it all along. Like, at some point this year, I might need a root canal. It means I must be really excited and hyped about getting a root canal. 😄
  14. No, just intent is different to reality. If you want to believe that Emily *wanted* three male headliners this year then go ahead but it makes you look utterly daft.
  15. There's a difference between someone's intent and someone being realistic as to what can be achieved. Just because someone says something might happen, doesn't mean they want it to happen. If I need to deliver a project by September, I can say "If this risk materialises it may not deliver until November" - that doesn't mean I was aiming for November all along and there's no issue.
  16. I don't think anyone is bothered by there being no female headliners for diversity's sake. It's just based on what Emily has said, clearly having all-male headliners would not be her first choice, and if that's what happens, it's an indication that at some point, something went wrong.
  17. Past couple of festivals the Circus tent has opened on Thursday evening, so they are trying. And yes, it was full last year.
  18. I do think the big difference if it is all male headliners is they're not going to announce them one at a time. The others will get announced with the poster with a line of female acts in large print near the top next to them. (Even if they're not actually the subs or Other headliners).
  19. Yeah I think the fact is Shangri-La used to bring dance music, theatrical performances, installation art and immersive theatre. And now it's just dance music, and to some extent installation art but it's barely changed in years. I was hopeful about Rimski's Yard but it's just a bit naff and feels like an extension of the rest of that area with many of the same performers and feel... which was probably the idea so it's probably a success by that measure - but with it being so out of the way it's pot-luck if you turn up and there's anything interesting happening (as nothing is scheduled). But I do think "what if that space was given to someone doing something exciting and different" - either to the folk that used to do the more experimental theatre stuff in Shangri-La or to a different group like Parabolic or Punchdrunk or someone.
  20. It's also constrained by being the main walkway between the West camping fields and the rest of the festival. It's never going to be a great post-headliner area due to the sheer number of disinterested people walking through the middle of it in the hours immediately after the headliners finish.
  21. Yeah, I thought the general response when it came out about that was that Glasto would probably be done with them as a result.
  22. Yeah when WG first launched there was much ado made about it having a "food court" area - it's become a bit subsumed by the stage in recent years. I can see them dropping the stage and opening it up a bit. Maybe the tent and line-up moves to where Arcadia is if they don't get invited back?
  23. Back to Stonebridge Bar?
  24. It's worth actually reminding yourself what the original version of I'm Still Standing sounds like: The Dill Danding thing is *really* funny but much of the very clipped, stylised vocal is in the original. Just not quite to that extent.
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