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Everything posted by jump

  1. If only they had kept it real like Smash Mouth!
  2. Thing is I’d like a festival that is just curated perfectly rather than wanting a band that is marginally bigger in whatever slot. Like the NIN day at Hellfest, Ministry isn’t a big sub but having Killing Joke into Skinny Puppy into Ministry and then NIN is fucking magic or booking Slayer, Anthrax, Megadeath and Metallica altogether at Sonisphere. As opposed to Reading festival thinking booking Rage with The fucking Courteeners is a great shout.
  3. There's abit of a difference between defending the beating of children and hoping that kids being beaten is a lie.
  4. It's now three threads as they posted it in the R&L forum too.
  5. Not that I'm defending him or saying that is what happened but I've seen Mothers turn their kids against their Dads after they split up before.
  6. Shit that's not good. I'm hoping it's bad break stuff and it's just empty accusations but even then that's not nice either.
  7. jump


    I wouldn't be shock if the film plays it safe, after a string of big budget flops they aren't gonna be let near something with a $200m budget again if this isn't successfull which is probably why they went back to The Matrix to begin with.
  8. jump


    Sort of, it was just certain demos rather than overall ratings. I look forward to WWE countering it by brining back some legends like Hornswoggle, The Great Khali and that terrorist wrestler.
  9. jump

    First Gig Back

    The new album is a good one. I spent the last week listening to it as I was expecting the gig to be new album heavy on the setlist and I found myself really liking and looking forwarding to hearing 5/6 songs from it but then the gig has happened and they only played 2 songs from the new album.
  10. True story, Lemmy a legend who fronted one of the most iconic metal bands of all time Motorhead repeatedly claimed Motorhead weren't a metal band but were actually a punk band. Someone needs to do a seance to tell his ghost that he need to grow a mohawk and sing songs about how hard it is to be a teenager to be considered punk.
  11. jump

    First Gig Back

    I went and saw The Wildhearts last night which was my first proper gig since coivd happened. It was close to £6 for a can of warm Red Stripe, the support band was shit, it was hot and sweaty, the floor was sticky, there was a nutter in the smoking area who insisted on befriending us, a guy in the toilet was rhyming about vaginas and aftershave, I got home past midnight where I then tried to be charming by singing to my missus songs from the band she didn’t want to see and as always there were a couple of deep cut songs they didn’t play. However seeing an artist connecting and expressing with a crowd again by getting a room full of strangers singing and rocking together was fucking glorious! 🤘
  12. it's quite sad that punk as a scene was meant to be less of a precise genre style and more of an attitude and spirit of those artists. There is lots of non-punk music that fits with being punk but really who gives a shit if it's not this perfect image of pop punk middle aged men singing about how hard it is to be a teenager like Sum 41 or mohawked nonsense like The Sex Pistols as it seems anti-punk for it all to be so cookie cutter shaped as each other.
  13. jump


    No Hugo Weaving is a bummer, when thinking about The Matrix he pops up in my mind before Laurence Fishburne and Keanu. I may see it depending on reviews but it just does seem like their movies keep flopping so they have gone back to The Matrix for a sure fire hit. It's a shame as the first one is so perfect which didn't need sequels as they literally tell you they won in the end so when you see how that victory is such a convoluted shit show it kinda ruins everything. At least Jessica Henwick is in it and she is awesome in everything she is in even if it's crap like Iron Fist so it might be worth it for her.
  14. I don't like it because it's very anti-live music not having a support band, it's stopping upcoming bands a chance to grow as well as not letting a bigger night out happen with a band to get the crowd excited.
  15. They seem to not give a fuck about having one big exclusive payday like just being on the main stage of R&L or whatever and want to play as many gigs as they can regardless of what the fest is. Fair play to them as they went from being an unknown toilet circuit band to shit hot where they could actually starting getting decent paydays but then couldn't as gigs stopped so they probably want to make up for it now. It's not like their show haven't stopped selling out anyway.
  16. Since there's a legit concern for cancelling and you paid for cancellation protection maybe try faking a coivd test with lemon juice or getting an isolation note from the NHS. The isolation note is basically just typing your name on a website and they give you an official document.
  17. Oh yeah, I reckon it's bullshit too simply because I don't see an organizer relying on a coin toss for a decision like who's the main stage headliner is. I think it came from a legit website/journalist rather than some random poster on the forum which is why I didn't completely write it off. I can see a logic to the two of them both being heavily considered as headliners and it could have gone either way though. Both were big and even though Monkeys were ridiculously hot at the time they jumped from being an unknown pub band to THE Arctic Monkeys almost overnight the year before whilst Kaisers were closer to being the polished finished article with more big gigs under their belt and felt like there was less risk of them choking with that kind of spotlight on them
  18. I'm pretty sure no fests will ever get Machine Head to play. They are too fussy over logos and their spot on the card. They don't want to do the typical things anymore for some reason like having support bands at their show.
  19. Just a thought but did you get cancel insurance on the tixs?
  20. Yeah, it seems like the bands that have the work ethos and the passion to keep doing 200+ shows a year and creating new music aren't rewarded the same way as the ones that quit so don't build up the must see vibe to them. It does make me want to support them by grabbing tickets for their next London show (the same with Subways after hearing that they had to sell some of their equipment over the last year for the money) but at the same time I'd rather have that night in and watch shit telly. Although saying that my next year festival plans are gonna be shaped depending on where Rage Against The Machine are playing who have done sod all for years. Probably bullshit but I remember seeing somewhere that both Arctic Monkeys and Kaisers were considered as equals for headlining Glasto that year and they decided to flip a coin to decided which one would headline and which would sub and the coin came up for Arctic Monkeys. If true and it came up the other way things could be different nowadays. I remember Kaisers were headlining IOW in 2009 (?) along with The Police and The Sex Pistols and now are headlining the 2nd stage at the same fest this year.
  21. Yeah I'm not a big fan but they are normally good live every time I've seen them although they have never been as good since Charlotte Hatherley left. Maybe they would do a reunion one day and see abit of a bump to their name. It's still mental a band that has headline the mainstage of Glasto has dropped so much even if they were a last minute replacement.
  22. ^I know bands don't stay big forever but Ash have proper fallen down the festival line ups for a band that once headlined Glastonbury. I saw half their set at Camden Rocks in 2019 and they didn't even headline one of the 20ish venue/stages there.
  23. Cheap £3.50 Libertines tixs for anyone interested, you need to create an account though. https://www.showfilmfirst.com/pin/658233
  24. If the Euro fests lines up look good you should go to them, the UK fests are massively overpriced compared to mainland Europe. The major ones like Rock Am Ring and Hellfest are abit cheaper than Download but if you go countries like Croatia they loads cheaper especially when taking into account the booze prices. Annoying I couldn't get Hellfest tixs as they sold quick but once Rage announce their Euro plans for next year I will probably be going to one just so I don't have to deal with Reading Festival to see them.
  25. Was she one of the Spice Girls?
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