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Everything posted by MEGATRONICMEATWAGON

  1. Prob the most predictable winner I've seen in a Hurt Heal game.
  2. Thanks for the timely reminder. I'm imagining myself on Wed night at the meet going to the bar and ordering shots at 8pm. Going too hard on the first night is a tradition I've shared with friends for twenty odd years and I really need to not go too crazy. Looking forward to the disaster stories tho 😉
  3. Yeah, what the f**k is White Claw? Alcoholic seltzer water? Sounds rank, tbf.
  4. I'd say usually Pennards, Park Home, and Oxylers fill up the fastest.
  5. The Rick Roll and Blossoms thing does sound like fun. I like both of them for what they are and I like a bit of the Smiths. But do I want to waste my time seeing a covers band for 80 minutes? I'm just not really sure.
  6. Can't roll out cans all over the site, people would kick off about bringing their metal pint cups and that.
  7. That's three of us now. eFest meet at 1:30 @PDA, then! 😅
  8. Sat and Sunday are a little bit too spicy for my liking as well in that last run. Would prefer a max 23-24. Luckily, Sunday is a bit sparse for acts to see, so can take a nice long shower, hide in T&C, then back to the showers before Elton.
  9. Ah no, coming from Bristol. 12pm, arrive about 1:15, thru by 1:30? Fingers crossed 🤞🏻
  10. Even the swearing filtering is inconsistent
  11. Yeah, mentioning it is banned, as well as all the swears - altho the latter I thought was allowed in the past. sh*t f**k Balls Cock c**t Twat Bastard Not sure which of those will get starred
  12. Okay, thanks. Really hope that's the case! Also, that there's no crisp-gate this year 😅
  13. There's a thread here somewhere about capacities at the festival for all the stages. Use Google to find it because the search function on eFests is terrible. Alternatively there's a website where you can compare the size of the festival with any place in the world, in map form. Just Google Glastonbury Map Overlay. For example, here's G-fest over Bellahouston.
  14. Hey all, only a couple of days and then it's all systems go, can't believe it! Just a quick question about arrival times. It's been a while since I was there and wondered what it's like now as more and more ppl are turning up earlier. I'm arriving between 1-1:30pm. So, what's it likely to be like, like? The dry ground and good weather should help speed it all up, surely: Waltz thru? Queue for an hour? Busiest time of the day?! Feel free to update PDA status in here as well to let others know what it's like etc during the day as it opens up and ppl filter in.
  15. 😂 Yeah, I tend to agree, even if Killers were, and are, bigger than her anyway. Shame really, feel like a Florence Park slot fits nicely. And up against Lizzo, wouldn't mean top much of a big crowd.
  16. They've certainly come out of left field.
  17. Really looking great. Just hoping with this nice welcoming weather on Wed, the queue at PDA goes down quickly and I can just breeze in when I arrive (around 1:30pm).
  18. It did rain a bit Fri morning/afternoon, but very briefly, and was dry again quickly. Can't remember any other days tho. Was lovely temp wise
  19. 1930s. Those were the days. Milk was a shilling. Evelyn Laye opened the festival. And cocaine was available to any good old sir or madam in pharmacies.
  20. I remember my wife and I had to take it in turns lying down in the shade of our tent (like, a space about 50cm wide and two metres long) because being inside the tent was roasting and there's almost zero shade in some of the campsites. We had to wait for our friends to turn up otherwise we'd of buggered off to a stage or somewhere else.
  21. 2017 was crazy hot Wed if I remember. Can't remember Thurs being as bad? 31 when we arrived. People were hiding in shade wherever they could.
  22. Thankfully the highs are looking far more manageable this year and holding firm around 21-23, Sunday aside of course. Not quite at 2010 levels which is good to see.
  23. And to overtake people in flip flops and, God forbid, crocs.
  24. It's on D---rd. I'm not sure where the link is or if you need an invite, I'm really terrible with new media/forums.
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