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The Red Telephone

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Everything posted by The Red Telephone

  1. FYI - I used the contact form to get in touch with See regarding the missing car park pass. They have emailed today to say they are sending another one in the post 👍
  2. Ours have arrived today! Minus 1 car parking ticket 😞 What’s the best way of contacting See about this, from anyone’s experience? Has it happened to anybody else this year?
  3. Could Groove Armada do a secret set somewhere? DJ set on Sunday night…
  4. Glad to see So Hard on the recent setlists - a much underrated banger from their cannon.
  5. It. Was. A. Joke. Based. On. What. Someone. On. The. Previous. Page. Said.
  6. Your biggest worry getting the coach from Liverpool should be that your worldly possessions will be robbed from you tbf
  7. Radiohead 2017 was better than Radiohead 1997 and 2003.
  8. We’ve ummed and aahed about taking our 9-year old for a while now - have left it up to him though and he’s not particularly fussed about going! (So he’s staying with Mum-in-law again 😀) I would definitely broach the subject with the school beforehand though - more likely to get it through as authorised absence/ not pay a fine. Might be a good idea to write a short letter extolling the cultural opportunities on offer at Glastonbury and how much of a life-experience it would be? We took our son to Bearded Theory a few years ago and wrote chapter and verse about similar and got it through ok. Suppose it just depends if they would be missing any assessments whilst they’re at the festival? Pretty sure they’re done in May time though.
  9. Criminally underrated this:
  10. Stayed there twice in 2016 and 2017. Never waited more than 20 mins for a shower, but saw some bigger queues around 9.30/10am. Go when I went, about 8am if you’re up! Semi-communal showers in the male section from memory. Lot of mud on the floor in 2016! Think there were hairdryers around too (although I have no use for such things) Don’t think I was searched at all entering the site in 2016, just checks of your wristband upon entry/ exit. Did have bag checked and body patted a few times in 2017 though - I think this was in response to the Manchester bombing more than anything though.
  11. Yes, driving down the M5. Premier Inn at Glastonbury is sold out, unfortunately 😞
  12. Managed to get the Tuesday off work, so planning on driving down from the North-East on that day and staying somewhere local-ish the night before. Hopefully no more than 45 mins away from Pilton. Any recommendations on where to stay? Predictably, a lot of places are already booked. Stayed in Cheddar a few festivals back, which was great, but can’t see anything available there 😞 A pub within walking distance is a must!
  13. Had a really good night on Saturday for the Global Underground thingy. Bushwacka!, Dave Seaman and Darren Emerson and @FuzzyDunlop all playing great sets. Liked the venue, although only one room was open. Was MEGA hot in there, but thankfully there was some colder chill-out spaces to cool down a bit. As @eyelovefests also says, did get lost at times and started wandering into areas I shouldn’t have been! Very much a friendly, older crowd in that night and had some good chats. When I ventured out that night I was not expecting to have a conversation about Coventry City’s Maltese striker from the late 00s, Michael Mifsud, with a Blackburn Rovers fan.
  14. I’m going to that on Saturday- what time are you on??
  15. Thanks Ben - great info as always. Yeah, the Jeff Mills night is this Friday I think? Hope you manage to get see him on the Farm 🤞 Been loads of great nights on Manchester recently, but have to stay over if I’m going out there (live in East Yorks). Hotel rooms are prohibitively expensive at weekends there though, makes it hard to justify for a night out!
  16. Hey peeps Off to Global Underground thing in Manchester on Saturday at a club called Hidden. Anyone been there before? Good place? 46 year-old hoping not to be the oldest person there, aside from the DJs!
  17. If the 50th had gone ahead, I reckon he would have started with “Birthday”
  18. Yes, you’re right. The TV performance was on the 25th. 55th anniversary!
  19. Just reading Craig Brown’s highly recommended book on The Beatles, and “All You Need Is Love” was recorded on June 25th. This year’s Saturday at Glastonbury falls on June 25th…
  20. The one moment you look back on and think...yes, that’s why it’s my most favourite place on earth and why... For me: Underworld, West Holts 2016. Dancing with my wife/ best friend to amazing music with a great crowd around us. We still can’t watch the set back without crying.
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