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Tranquility of Solitude

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Everything posted by Tranquility of Solitude

  1. Spandau? Although I probably did mention them. I do so every year.
  2. I’m guessing Duran Duran. Though I’d rather it was Doreen Doreen.
  3. Love Roxy, and was looking forward to them, but agree with those saying they’re not an ideal choice for that slot. Headlining Acoustic would be ideal.
  4. Obsess on this forum for 8 months, in the following sequence.... who’s headlining who’s playing the weather tents footwear food stalls drinks and cherry bake well vodka Best and quickest way in Pablo Honey
  5. Whilst I’m all for healthy debate, and rational criticism, and very much against censorship, I’m unclear what purpose this thread is serving. It’s not really doing anyone any good.
  6. Get there as fresh as possible, and leave as knackered as you can manage. You’ll never be able to see it all or do everything, so limit your expectations. And take lip balm.
  7. This whole thread is in danger of lowering my mood the day after a successful ticket day..... something I wouldn’t have thought possible.
  8. I’d been refreshing constantly on several devices between 9:00 and 10:20 with no luck, and several freezes and crashes. Walked away from everything letting the ones that were still running just run down. Had given up really. Came back after about 1 or 2 minutes, hit refresh and got through. Now I don’t have any clue whether that’s pure coincidence or not, but I have to confess, in the back of my mind there’s just the smallest niggle now that perhaps refreshing constantly isn’t the way to go.
  9. Almost exactly the same time as I got mine! I’d given up almost, and had actually wandered away from my devices.... two of which had crashed. Had stopped F5 and Ctrl R.... was just letting the remaining two devices which still had the countdown holding page run. Absentmindedly reloaded one of them and got through to the registrations page. It was touch and go between there and payment screen, with much use of the back button, but got there in the end!
  10. My much loved and well used Vango 300 has served me well, but it has seen its last festival. As the years have gone by, I’ve struggled more and more with the fact I can’t stand up in it to dress/undress ( it’s 105cm high and I’m 182cm). Footage of me attempting to get into my sleeping bag after 5 nights this year would have been an internet sensation. Following success this morning (still grinning) I will spend the next few months seeking out a taller tent for 2023.
  11. Not sure how you would be able to serve cask at Glastonbury? It’s a fresh product, and requires careful looking after. During a hot Glastonbury it would be undrinkable, and readily go off. There’s no cellars.
  12. Understand your point, and no offence taken, but don’t believe the independents you are talking about are geared up to produce the volumes required at Glastonbury. That’s the beauty of small, independent breweries. They don’t produce in large quantities, and are often difficult to get outside of their geographical area.
  13. Acoustic tent field bar is called The Cockmill, and this year had quite a few offerings from the Otter, Shipyard and Ringwood Breweries.
  14. It’s early days on this poll, and I’m not normally a conspiracy theory type, but tweeting sold out to ease the server load? 🤔
  15. I’m interested when people got their tickets. I think there was thousands available after the sold out message.
  16. Yep.... this was exactly my experience. Had to use the back button from the registration page several times before getting through to the payment page. Half of the times I used the back button, I got a sold out message (despite having entered all the registration details) the final attempt, after hanging for several seconds, got me through to the payment page. Payment went straight through at the first attempt, and the confirmation email was within a couple of minutes after that. Issues I encountered were with the holding page hanging and crashing multiple times, and then as described above, between reg details and payment.
  17. I’m in! 10:26 don’t believe it! Thought it was all over! Thanks @Lizzim see you on the farm! Also thanks to @dizzymoo for also trying on Thursday for me. See you all on the farm! x
  18. Two lovers missing the Tranquility of Solitude.
  19. Been solo a couple of times, and loved it. Will also be solo next year, if I get a ticket. As others have said, the freedom to work out your own clash finder, sack things off if you’re not feeling it, and generally just make all your own decisions about what to do, and when, can be very liberating. You also invariably meet and chat with loads of great folk. You’re never truly alone there.
  20. Saw Dua Lipa on the John Peel in 2017 and she was a bit meh. She’s clearly gotten a lot bigger since then, but don’t think I’d be at the Pyramid for her. If Arctic’s are also headlining, that would (for me) be another one I’d swerve. Quite cool if that’s the case, but I would like at least one Pyramid headliner, so one of Elton, Rihanna or GnR would do. Florence would be ok too, although I saw her in 2015.
  21. You mention P!nk up front for European festivals.... then completely overlook her as a possibility for Glastonbury. Was there any particular rationale there? Is she ruled out?
  22. Think they’ve got to start throttling access to that page as the number of tickets left are running low.
  23. Can’t help but think it’s all getting very over complicated on here? Do keyboard shortcuts really help? Surely the main challenge is getting to the booking page. After that, it’s a case of taking your time, being precise, and praying for no glitches. Trying to speed up the process once on that page can only cause problems. There’s plenty of time to input up to six registrations, and postcodes, calmly and accurately within the time you are allowed. Now any assistance or shortcuts to the actual booking page.... now THAT would be helpful! Good luck for tomorrow everyone. I’ve got the fear.
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