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  1. Not much to complain about really, had a really really good one, also thought it felt way less busy than 22. Only minor thing is I wish they'd stick more bloody water points at campsites. People queuing for full on showers every morning at Paines when I was desperate to just have a drink of H2o was not the one.
  2. Partly I think maybe I'm getting old and I just don't get some of these bookings, some are clearly very huge names. But then another part of me thinks no, FBS headlining park is definitely a bit of a cop out.
  3. Just a small pop up fresh + black for me. My one comfort is a really decent cool box with ice and bevs, because once I hit my 30s warm bag wine causes crippling instant heartburn.
  4. Royal Blood subbing AM not doing it for me. Also I want Pulp to neatly slot in there so could everyone stop putting them there in predictions and start manifesting a Pulp announcement instead please nice one cheers.
  5. After today and the Emily statement I'm dubious as to why they were left off in the first place though. If it was a 50/50 diversity issue then bin off Fatboy Slim from the poster. My heart says they'll play but my head says we're looking at the biggest hitters already.
  6. Friday Sub is free - reckon Josh being mates with Turner and the lads could make it likely? Dunno.
  7. Guardian just took down QOTSA from their article - jesus we're losing more as we go
  8. I'm praying they're holding some names back to win people over with individual announcements. Ideally before balance payment because I am 50/50 right now.
  9. That's great, and sincerely I do hope Neil is happy eventually too, it is clear that the sooner he shifts this site the better for himself - But I don't think it's right to basically just laugh at people that financially chipped in to help him out. Also with the greatest respect, It's terrible that Neil has had a major life changing event, but I've been a member on here for almost a decade and always found Neil extremely stubborn and argumentative with other users.
  10. Honestly don't know why people are still on this forum. I pop on every now and then and see the same old arguments. Is it some sort of Stockholm syndrome? Masochism? Neil repeatedly suggests he doesn't give a shit who helps him or uses the site, he quite obviously doesn't care about anybody on it, he's desperate to get rid. How loud of a message do people need for it to sink in that they'e not actually wanted? There are alternatives where people just really like Glastonbury and want to talk about it.
  11. I do think this too, but I have made my peace with it because I know that when they're playing I'll be several ciders deep and probably stood at West Holts anyway. Also I realised that some people are quite excited to see them, and I think I'd get pissed quite quickly if everyone kept shitting on a band I was looking forward to.
  12. We were pretty close to stage, I could just about see everything going on over peoples heads and was hooked, my wife who is much smaller was livid, she relies on big screens at gigs like that. Her take was the screens wrecked it. On such a big stage the choice to have arty visuals instead of just showing us Radiohead was very poor and caused her to feel very disconnected from it all.
  13. I'm all for WH love in to be honest, It holds a lot of very happy memories for me, so much so I burst into tears when I walked into that field last year having not been since 2017! Aways always make a point of getting in at least one WH headliner, you're going to love it. It's a large stage but still feels intimate at night, the crowd are also usually pretty dedicated fans for the headliners and so the vibe always feels extremely positive and friendly.
  14. A bit different I think, It was a poor set from Simon and there was a lot of expectation from the crowd that he'd bust out S+G tunes - Seems like Yusuf / Stevens does generally play the hits, I don't think the crowd are going to be there expecting anything other than what they're going to get.
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