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Guest Olivavu

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again with the "v goers" crap, if you want to be narrow minded though, then more fool you, more music for the rest of us to appreciate. Also, if the only band you were arsed about were pixies, why didn't you see them on tour and save a few quid (Judging from previous posts, can't really see you being a strokes fan ;) )
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again with the "v goers" crap, if you want to be narrow minded though, then more fool you, more music for the rest of us to appreciate. Also, if the only band you were arsed about were pixies, why didn't you see them on tour and save a few quid (Judging from previous posts, can't really see you being a strokes fan :blink: )
Edited by fowls
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The song's called "Why Go"...no home.

They only played it twice in 11 years before the Astoria show, so when they played it everyone went ballistic. Turns out they've bought it out of retirement this tour so it's not as special as first thought. Still was a hell of a song, and one of the best crowds I've ever been in.

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Having been playing the album since 92 non stop, I think I can be forgiven for not looking at the track listing since 92 - simply hasn't been any need. Its that class track that comes on after the first two class tracks but can be recognised by the title of why go home. It doesn't need ressurection, great songs never die.

only it's that its clearly the fourth track :blink:

I'm getting old and senile

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Absolutely my good man. May I suggest the video. It was banned in america, coz it depicts a young kid walking into school and blowing his brains out in front of his class.

It always struck me that if instead of banning it, they seriously considered the implications in the warning then columbine may never have happened. Just a thought.

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Ten was out in 91.

As for saying "If the government paid attention to a song by a grunge band then high school shootings wouldn't happen"... I think that's a bit of a silly thing to say. The 2 are entirely unrelated. Plenty of media has had many similar storylines in the past, and the government isn't going to listen to all this. At the end of the day nothing was going to stop the kids doing it because no one wants to turn every school into a high security prison on the offchance that this might happen.

I would discuss it in more depth, but it'll probably get heated and here isn't the place for serious debate.

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Yeah I don't see the big thing about having a drum intro instead of a bass intro...but it obviously matters to the hardcore fans :blink:

Heck, after it was played it took a few days to work out if there was a drum intro. People were so exstatic with the song that they couldn't remember how it kicked off.

I was there and cannot for the life of me remember McCready playing Nobody's Fault But Mine. I think I zoned out during that long solo, total euphoria!

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2 quite obvious things.....

1) Ten was released in 92.

2) Pearl Jam were speaking as a grunge band on behalf of the anti-gun group at the time, who were arguing for tighter measures on gun control. Not until after Columbine did these laws came in. So I think that you can see right there, the validity of my point.

I'm not some stupid kid y'na.

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