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My ticket buying experience

Guest Uh-Oh!

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I started hitting refresh with the help of hubby on a PC, lap top, MacBook and iPad. Different browsers on each. The only one I had any joy with was my ancient laptop on Firefox, initially got the registration page up at 8,45 but didn't realise I was still in when it then ok me back to the holding page, so closed that window and started agin (idiot!). However got through quickly again and had confirmation email through at 09.07. Was so happy to be able to send the "WE'RE GOING TO GLASTONBURY" text to he rest of our group!

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I was up and running from about 7am. Had 2 laptops with the links all refreshing nicely. I was running Internet explorer and google chrome. Internet explorer bombed out first (just before 9am) but I got onto the registrations page before 9 but then it crashed. I was keeping updated with my friend via Skype and he managed to get through by about 9.10 so I stopped refreshing as soon as he said he was on payment page. I switched off straight away as soon as we got ours but my friend was able to get pretty much straight back through for some of my other friends. Don't know if I would have been able to get through or not on mine after it crashed but thankfully that stress was very short lived!

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Woke up at 8AM thanks to my trustworthy phone alarm. Knocked on my friends door to wake him up, he said he was too ill to wake up (which is fair enough, he was throwing up the night before, and it wasn't even alcohol induced). So I said I'd try and get tickets for him. Started calling Seetickets at about 8:00, didn't work. Went on website and got traffic page. Thought to myself, fair enough it's 8:30. By 9:45 I was panicking as all that was coming up was the about:blank page (was using firefox). Then on here I found out about the server hacking thing. So I downloaded Google chrome with the ticket buying page still on Firefox (thank god Macs are quick with that kind of thing) and I did the server hacking thingy. Didn't work the first time, but the second time it did. Got through to the registration page, then the ticket details page etc. etc. Two tickets secured by 10:15. Job done.

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We had 5 houses with 4 to 5 computers hooked up in each place with 3 browsers open on each, I started first at half 8, got in to registration page at 8.50 using firefox, had to press back then re send over and over while refreshing all other pages until half 9 when I finally got to payment page, pressed submit and 8 happy people :) my son got to registration page down stairs once but not one other person in our group got any further than page loading, I seriously almost had heart attack going through this, it was way too much pressure to get it all right,lol seriously shouting at everyone to shut up while I typed it all out. Then to top it off at payment page I realised I was main booker but we had my brothers card details as it was easy to get the money to him, I was shitting it as I didn't think we could do that, it was all my details with address, so had to grab my card and transfer the money right away from my brother, thank god it went through ok, they took 3 days to take the tickets money :) after I got our tickets I could easily get to registration page on every browser, so I asked my Facebook friends if anyone wanted tickets and give me their details, seriously 2 people gave me their car registration lol, didn't realise the Glastonbury process! Got one friend that knew what he was doing but got to payment and it was sold out! Gutted for them so will be trying for them in April :)

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