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What have you done with your wristband?

Guest Mr McJohnson

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Mine is still on my wrist, gets washed as I shower, and will stay there until I get fed up with it. I always look out for other people wearing theirs but haven't seen any yet. Last year remember seeing someone with theirs on in July and as we hadn't been it was lovely to hear about their experiences. On the way out on Sunday eve saw 3-4 security jumping on a man who had no wristband on, wouldn't have thought it mattered then but security were obviously bothered.

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Only put mine back on when i feel the occasion is necessary (take note - indie discos). They are great conversation starters and I've definitely pulled off the back of a convo about glasto. Just shows your into festivals, music, drinking etc. which ticks a lot of boxes in my book :lol:

Edited by JC-Mo'Fucka
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Still on my wrist. I had wristbands from the last 4 years on until about October last year, when I decided they should come off before they got too tatty and unrecognisable. I love wearing them, there aren't many from my neck of the woods who go and I often get people interested, it's a good conversation starter.

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I had to cut mine off as soon as i got home as i have really sensitive skin and the silver threads in the back were really aggravating my skin.

I always have the best intentions to keep my wristbands and tickets after but haven't quite managed to keep them safe all in the same place. Keep meaning to hunt around to find them all but also have a bit of a fear that i won't find them all which keeps putting me off.

The clipframe with wristbands/tickets is an awesome idea!

Did anyone see the guy who looked like he had made a suit out of the free bags given away at the gates? That was awesome! :D

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I slipped mine off after the Monday morning shower, and then spent about 45 minutes with a pair of wire cutters breaking off the metal clamp. It was a right pain in the arse to do...really could've done with a clamp and a little saw.

But I've got another wristband ribbon to add to my collection, and one day I'll do something with them all...

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Wish i had a +1 left! There are too many people in the world who have no consideration for others feelings when it comes to having an opinion.

Yes everyone has an opinion and is totally entitled to it but there is always a considerate way of putting it across, and just as Thumper says, 'if you can't say something nice, don't say nothin at all' :)

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I managed to keep my 2010 wristband on the whole year, arrived with it intact in 2011 (as well as my 2009 band hastily safety pinned together), Had to remove all of them on Wednesday for a CAT scan, which was sort of sad. I was able to slip the 2011 one off, but had to cut the 2010. I like the idea of sowing a bit of elastic in...might have to get a sewing kit on the gwan.

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I really don't want to get into an arguement on semantics here but if you are saying that people are doing something pathetic it pretty much connotes that they are pathetic.

Fair enough, you don't see why people do it, i don't see why people enjoy watching Formula 1 but i certainly wouldn't say that it was pathetic to watch it! Horses for courses.

Edit: Random ?

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ha no f1 is pathetic, in my part of the world simpletons cant say 'potato' they say 'butato' , which in itself its pathetic, or if you like , buthetic, or indeed simply b'uth.

no you are right , lets not argue about semantics, i just sont get it, you didnt like my choice of words

come on though, cleanse yourself, have a treat, tell me something that you think is truely 'buth'. (apart from me)

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We slipped our wrist bands off (painfully I must add) as the kids were pleading with us to have them. Shame kids at glasto can't have them, even if it was a different colour, then I can keep mine on :lol:. but I have got my car park ticket on my back windscreen :D.

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175000 people, some keep them on, some dont. Dont have a go at those that do though, its not a crime, it's a personal choice and for many it is a source of pride and happiness to be able to look down on their wrist as a reminder of happy memories every day they arent at the festival...

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