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Glastonbury for older people, quiet camping

Guest cheeseisamazing

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Hi guys.

My mum really wants to go to glastonbury with her friends next year, and has been for a while to be honest. shes very easy going, used to camping etc however, being a bit older, she dose like having a decent sleep, and finds it hard to sleep with a lot of noise . Therefore were wondering where a quiet place to camp is?

she dosen't mind walking so camping offsite is fine, i just don't know anything about this.

cheers for any help given, being a young festival goer the idea of quiet campings a bit forien to me lol.

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Quiet camping isn't really an option. Best sleep is probably in the campervan fields, but they're still noisy. Trouble is, the site is in a dip and the noise seems to rise up the valley. If she's got loads of cash, get her in the Yurts off site with all the comforts of home, Glasto web site has all the links. But lets face it, she'll be so knackered at the end of the day, she'll sleep!

I am getting extraordinarily excited just typing about it. I don't think I can sustain this for the next 10 months!!!!

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Investigate the P r a x i s Tent site, just outside the festival boundary. You might miss out on some fun, but it's quiet, spaced out and there are showers and proper loo's. Stayed there this year with a reluctant camper and the overall experience was good.

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Hi, I went through gate D last year and turned right and camped along by the fence. It was not to bad as there were only trees behind us. The only problem is what type of neighbours you get. All the people around us were quite except for one lot that decided we should have listen to there drunken escapades. I used ear plugthe wax ones that they sell in Boots. They worked fine. I am 61 and really enjoy Glasto so as long as your Mum does not mind the loos she will have a great time.

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Hi guys.

My mum really wants to go to glastonbury with her friends next year, and has been for a while to be honest. shes very easy going, used to camping etc however, being a bit older, she dose like having a decent sleep, and finds it hard to sleep with a lot of noise . Therefore were wondering where a quiet place to camp is?

she dosen't mind walking so camping offsite is fine, i just don't know anything about this.

cheers for any help given, being a young festival goer the idea of quiet campings a bit forien to me lol.

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Cheers guys for the infomation,

after looking at all the oppsite campinging we decided it was a rip off and so shes looking to camp inside the festival.

i heard someone mention wicket ground, does anyone have any more infomation on that family camping? as basically were deciding weather its worth them camping there or just going on the edge, like many of you have kidly suggested.

p.s anoldhippie@60 & denwyn i think its awsome that you too are still going, don't stop at 65! (as i hopefully won't in 45 years!)

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Hey..I'm not 65 yet :lol: ...and sorry to disagree but i feel that at 65 i should call it a day..:( Sad i know but my body says different...camping is a killer,and before anyone suggests a motorhome ,caravan or trailer tent they are to expensive and storage is a problem.

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What I find hardest with camping is getting off the floor in the morning, as does my hubby. Even with a blow up mattress. Had we not bought a caravan we would have gone for proper camp beds, something like in the links below.




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i hope to be going for as many years as possible. It might take me a couple of weeks to get over it, but its worth all the aches and pains.(at the moment anyway) Might be going on my own this year so can do as much or as little as I want.(If I get a ticket that is)

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If a section is designed for family camping it means younger families, those with small children. Obviously you're someone's child too but a grown up one- you and your mum won't be allowed to camp there.

Your best bet for a quieter one is to head to the Dairy fields, as others have suggested. A bit of a trek but you should also have quite a bit of space there.

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Not sure about that - we have used Family camping since 98. With a couple of exceptions about 5 years ago the stewards dont seem too strict about who is there other than groups of 20 - 30 something lads together. Even then, they get in/stay in if they keep themselves to themselves.

I would bet several pints that anyome camping there aged 55+ would remain unchallenged all weekend.

PLUS - very useful for the acoustic stage/theatre area/ Avalon run - which they will no doubt do a few times, with the odd ramble to the Park/Pyramid.

I satred camping there just turned 30 (albeit with a few under 10's at the time) ....but last few years we have been a loose group of 40's and 50's with kids from 12 - 20 camping together.

Its quieter, but not too quite, and (relatively) close to that stages ( without making assumptions about a 60 year olds music preference) that would appeal most. Its only really a huge treck to the Dance / Other Stages.

Do all you can to get tickets and go.

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Took my mum last year for her first glastonbury at 68. She was fine in Dairy (Paines, our usual spot, was crew camping this year).

We went on Wednesday and she joined us by coach on Friday just carrying a small rucksack with her clothes and washbag. We took all her camping gear.

A tent you can stand up in is likely to be a must, my mum's knees don't allow for much crawling about and I imagine this is a common problem in this age range. Yes a blow up/camp bed definitely, and a fold up chair for at the camp at least. We thought mum would want to carry a chair with her but she abondoned that idea after half a day saying it was more hassle than it was worth!

Her biggest issue was the heat and we could have been better prepared for that - maybe a parasol, maybe space blankets to keep the tent cool for longer in the morning.

In terms of noise, after the first night just about anyone is tired enough to sleep through anything. My mum has never been able to sleep through noise, but did at Glastonbury, and now talks wistfully of "the music still going when you go to sleep" with a far away "wish i could be back there" look in her eyes that most on here would recognise.

In fact she also now does that "You can't explain to people how big and amazing it is" thing as well - (same wistful look).

Just checked with her and she has asked that we put a deposit down for her for 2011 - but she says she wants to be more independent this time because she felt like she didn't get to see as much as she should have done due to feeling she had to stay with us!

From my experience I definitely think you can worry about parents too much. It was a similar experience to taking our 13 year old to V and worrying if he'd be bored, then hardly seeing him for 3 days! We couldn't even get him to come back for money!

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