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Few panicky last-minute questions

Guest lukeyboy

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Hey all, I've been loitering on these boards the last month or so trying to get info (as a Glasto virgin) and they've proved very useful. Just a few Q's I haven't found answered though, if you would all be so kind as to help?

- I bought a hipflask today, and then I thought 'Shit'. Are they allowed in? Or is only sealed stuff allowed in? It's pretty small so can try to hide it anyways but cost a fair bob so don't wanna risk it if I have to throw it.

- In terms of alcohl, every fest I've been to prior to this doesn't allow pre-bought alcohol to be taken into the arena. Glasto seems more 'freeform' so am I allowed to roam with booze? I'm planning on spending lots on booze anyways, but don't wanna waste too much time at the tent and my 15 pack of Strongbow needs to be drunk at some point :D

- Also, arriving by coach on the Wednesday. I've seen the map that came with tickets and noted the 'bus drop off' point at the top of the map. Is this just buses from Glasto town though or is it a coach drop off too? Just trying to think hwo long it might take us to trek to where we wanna camp.

Think that's it really, but I'm sure another set of panicky 'OH SHIT' moments will occur between now and tomorrow night. Ta in advance!

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They won't care about the hipflask

they have no problem with pre-bought alcohol but there is a very small chance of it being confiscated without ID (see the other thread about this)

And all the buses end up in roughly the same place so take that as the drop off. Trekking to where you want is worth it when you get there - just take it easy


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Hey all, I've been loitering on these boards the last month or so trying to get info (as a Glasto virgin) and they've proved very useful. Just a few Q's I haven't found answered though, if you would all be so kind as to help?

- I bought a hipflask today, and then I thought 'Shit'. Are they allowed in? Or is only sealed stuff allowed in? It's pretty small so can try to hide it anyways but cost a fair bob so don't wanna risk it if I have to throw it.

- In terms of alcohl, every fest I've been to prior to this doesn't allow pre-bought alcohol to be taken into the arena. Glasto seems more 'freeform' so am I allowed to roam with booze? I'm planning on spending lots on booze anyways, but don't wanna waste too much time at the tent and my 15 pack of Strongbow needs to be drunk at some point :D

- Also, arriving by coach on the Wednesday. I've seen the map that came with tickets and noted the 'bus drop off' point at the top of the map. Is this just buses from Glasto town though or is it a coach drop off too? Just trying to think hwo long it might take us to trek to where we wanna camp.

Think that's it really, but I'm sure another set of panicky 'OH SHIT' moments will occur between now and tomorrow night. Ta in advance!

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- In terms of alcohl, every fest I've been to prior to this doesn't allow pre-bought alcohol to be taken into the arena. Glasto seems more 'freeform' so am I allowed to roam with booze? I'm planning on spending lots on booze anyways, but don't wanna waste too much time at the tent and my 15 pack of Strongbow needs to be drunk at some point :D

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There isn't an arena as such - once you are past the entrance on the first day you are in and free to wander with whatever booze you've brought until you leave on Monday.

No glass can be brought in though, so if you have spirits etc, you'll need to decant into plastic bottles (or a hip flask or 2 ;-)

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