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Went to the shops and I bought?


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So i've been holding out on posting in this topic for a good long while now. I believe the time has now come for me to tell everybody what i have purchased.


Baby wipes x 3


Hand Sanitizer


Tooth brush


Body spray x 3


Dry Shampoo

Deep heat

Sleeping mask x 2

Ear plugs x 2


Emergency Shelter x 3

AA batteries

AAA batteries

Water Carrier

Tent pegs x 3

Light keyring

Solar garden lights x 2

Crunchy nut cornflakes

3 in 1 coffee sachets x 10

Instant Hot chocolate

plastic mugs x 4

Enamel bowl x 2

Head torch


Washing up liquid

Washing up bowl

New pants x 10

New socks x 12

Mosquito Repellant

Lighters x 6

Filter tips

Rizla x 8

Mini shampoo

Mini conditioner


Vapour rub x 2

Cavewoman outfit

Gold nipple tassels

Artificial Leaves

New prescription Glasses

New prescription Sunglasses

Safety Pins

Rain mac

Adult waterproof poncho

Bikini Top


However i drive onto sight, so don't have to worry about carrying it. B)

Edited by starknaked
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Do not wear manmade fibre socks, do not wear trainers, do not wear the same pair of shoes 2 days running (rotate)

My dad's feet were legendary throughout the west country, small children in the next town would cry when, of an evening he got in from work and took his shoes off. I've seen onions wrinkle at 30 paces and he once killed a seagull when a welly came off when stuck in mud.

By 18 I knew I had the gene. Camping expeditions with the missus would see my feet left sticking out of the tent at night (that trek to the north pole made much worse by this, I can tell you) and the shame of my pongy pair was more of a buzzkill than a daily mail reader at a party.

Then, in my early 20s, while travelling through mystical lands (kings heath, birmingham) I met a wise old sage (well, actually a fat man with a bad moustache, but hey ho) who imparted to me thus..

Only wear cotton or wool socks, not those shitty sport sock things made of polymer whatsit, they don't let your feet breathe. Change them every day, twice a day if you can get away with it and if you wear a pair of shoes, let them air for a full day before wearing them again. This stops the fungus that causes the smell, which lives in the sweat. Dry, aired shoes don't smell and nor do your feet.

These days I rotate a different pair of cons every day, wear sensible socks (can be cheap too, like a fiver for a pack of seven from matalan) and my feet haven't smelled in over a decade, in fact every second tuesday Fergie comes round and sucks my toes, not for my pleasure, for hers.

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This seems like a good place to ask!!

Has any one got Gelert Sleeping Pod XL? I want one for the comfort, and I currenly have amazon prime trial running but the sellers with 3 season version are not eligible for amazon prime. So I was just wondering worth the extra cost? Will the normal pod be enough for glasto? :)

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Today I bought a good quality, easily spreadable butter.

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Got a Duronic hybrid wind up/solar radio for £15 on amazon for worthy fm action. Will post back to let ya all know if it's any good.

Been cruising the supermarkets for glasto related BOGOFS- duracell ultra batterys sainsburys and some 'men expert' (?) deodorant that's apparently good for 96 HOURS between sprays!!

Don't think I'll wait until Saturday for my squaddy shower blast at glasto though :lol:

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Raided the 99p store today!

They are selling packs of plasters plus antiseptic wipes (both are in same packet) and also found a waterproof sheet in there - use to sit on outside tents etc

Bought various toiletries from savers - baby wipes, hand refreser wipes, dry shampoo (on offer for £1) packets for tissues - easier to carry than toilet rools

Also ordered two new sleeping bags from millets - rectangle Eurohike ones are half price (£9.99)

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An 18 pack of Tosco's own style Handy Andies, £1.19. On the shelf below at 55p EACH per single pack, the Kleenex Balm tissues. Madness! At any one time I always have at least 5 packs in my bag - up to 3 as a safety net so I know I wont run out and 2 to spare to hand out tissues at loos for ladies not as well prepared as me. The Toscos tissues are a very good little tissue and better than what Poundland have on offer as theirs currently - those are much thinner and dare i say...a bit scratchy. Toscos own are like Velvet :D

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