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Well, for the past few years she's looked at the line-up and the first thing she says to me is, "oh the line-up's shit this year, isn't it?"

And I sort of explain to her that it isn't.

Her next response is, "well, I don't like how you have to register to get a ticket - you have to sign up and show you're not a terrorist to get in"

So I explain to her that it's to stop touting, and to stop people on eBay charging even more for tickets than their original price on a site like eBay. It's a good idea.

She then followed my response by saying, "yeah, I know but they started it the year they started putting on shit music"

In others words, she can't really justify her opinions and she's going along with the popular vote - it's like how it's trendy to criticise Michael McIntyre (fairly, in my opinion); she does this too but can't really justify why he's so shit because she hasn't heard anybody else's opinions on WHY he is so shit.

I'm having a domestic on here by myself, aren't I?

The only reason I chose Leeds over Glastonbury was because she had reservations about Glastonbury and had been speaking about going to Leeds for ages, so I decided to get her tickets for her birthday. Her first choice was Oxegen but when I worked out the logistics of the thing, it was just a bit impossible for this year for both of us. So Leeds it was (after coming here and asking).

If it was up to me, I'd be going to the Supersonic Festival and ATP this year but I don't think she'd enjoy seeing Swans or Teenage Fanclub as a birthday present.

Edited by farewellandgoodnight
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