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Reading Festival

Guest danny12345

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There's been alot of negativity on these boards in the lead up to V with alot of people saying this is their last time etc, etc. People may fancy a change and thats fair enough. I went to Glastonbury this year and have to say it was an amazing experience BUT just a quick message to those thinking of jumping ship to Reading next year, dont f**king do it!

Went last year and the atmosphere was f**king horrible. In fairness the lineup was amazing and alot of people would think that to be top of the list on importance (which is fair enough) but if youre looking for a proper festival experience that doesnt include the constant threat of fighting and having your stuff set on fire - go glasto, or stick with V

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There's been alot of negativity on these boards in the lead up to V with alot of people saying this is their last time etc, etc. People may fancy a change and thats fair enough. I went to Glastonbury this year and have to say it was an amazing experience BUT just a quick message to those thinking of jumping ship to Reading next year, dont f**king do it!

Went last year and the atmosphere was f**king horrible. In fairness the lineup was amazing and alot of people would think that to be top of the list on importance (which is fair enough) but if youre looking for a proper festival experience that doesnt include the constant threat of fighting and having your stuff set on fire - go glasto, or stick with V

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There's been alot of negativity on these boards in the lead up to V with alot of people saying this is their last time etc, etc. People may fancy a change and thats fair enough. I went to Glastonbury this year and have to say it was an amazing experience BUT just a quick message to those thinking of jumping ship to Reading next year, dont f**king do it!

Went last year and the atmosphere was f**king horrible. In fairness the lineup was amazing and alot of people would think that to be top of the list on importance (which is fair enough) but if youre looking for a proper festival experience that doesnt include the constant threat of fighting and having your stuff set on fire - go glasto, or stick with V

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There's been alot of negativity on these boards in the lead up to V with alot of people saying this is their last time etc, etc. People may fancy a change and thats fair enough. I went to Glastonbury this year and have to say it was an amazing experience BUT just a quick message to those thinking of jumping ship to Reading next year, dont f**king do it!

Went last year and the atmosphere was f**king horrible. In fairness the lineup was amazing and alot of people would think that to be top of the list on importance (which is fair enough) but if youre looking for a proper festival experience that doesnt include the constant threat of fighting and having your stuff set on fire - go glasto, or stick with V

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There's been alot of negativity on these boards in the lead up to V with alot of people saying this is their last time etc, etc. People may fancy a change and thats fair enough. I went to Glastonbury this year and have to say it was an amazing experience BUT just a quick message to those thinking of jumping ship to Reading next year, dont f**king do it!

Went last year and the atmosphere was f**king horrible. In fairness the lineup was amazing and alot of people would think that to be top of the list on importance (which is fair enough) but if youre looking for a proper festival experience that doesnt include the constant threat of fighting and having your stuff set on fire - go glasto, or stick with V

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I'm going to both and have heard bad things about Reading (my first time so I wouldn't know) and yet the lineup is 1000 times better than V's. Looking forward to both but I'm treating V as my 'get drunk with mates, have tonnes of fun' weekend while Reading will be more about the music AND the fun. Plus, Reading has silent disco WIN.

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I'm going to both and have heard bad things about Reading (my first time so I wouldn't know) and yet the lineup is 1000 times better than V's. Looking forward to both but I'm treating V as my 'get drunk with mates, have tonnes of fun' weekend while Reading will be more about the music AND the fun. Plus, Reading has silent disco WIN.
Edited by Benj
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I agree with Benj! Reading is epic! Yes, it is a LOT more wild than V but as long as you camp a sensible distance from the arena, you will be fine and won't get your tent set on fire. You will have an amazing time.

Edited by Festival Charlotte
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Yep having lived through a Reading Riot I can say that its about planning not much else, Reading is an awesome experience (seeing Nirvana was virtual life changing) but just make sure where you stay.

It is always the spoilt little kids that kick off though and if you have a good group your fine.

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Ooh and to add to what Staffsknot said, make friends with as many people camped near you as you can!That way you can all stick together and protect each other. Or if they turn out to be some of the aforementioned idiots, they are less likely to burn your stuff :)

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Ooh and to add to what Staffsknot said, make friends with as many people camped near you as you can!That way you can all stick together and protect each other. Or if they turn out to be some of the aforementioned idiots, they are less likely to burn your stuff :)
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Utter utter balls.

Admittedly you can get unlucky at Reading re the camp site antics. You can easily avoid this though by not camping in the more boisterous areas and still be miles closer to the Arena than the closest camp sites at V!

Also the atmosphere in the Arena is miles better, there's far shorter walks between stages, its easier to get closer to the stages, there's a comedy tent and absolutely no queues for beer.

Im 32 now and much, much prefer the atmosphere at Reading as opposed to V. It is very different to V and definitely not for all, young uns should deffo check it out though.

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But if your camped right next to these fu*kwits then your Festival experience can be effected in a negative way, black acrid smoke blowing across your pitch is pretty sh*te.

I've got no issues with noise and general tomfoolery, singing and shouting until the early hours at all, i'm part of it most of the time. But, setting fire to everything and throwing deoderant cans and stuff on top of it is mindless behaviour, and not just "acting up"

But your right, The Bronx its not. And on reflection my initial post may have made it sound that way, the place isnt a battleground. But you have to watch where you camp.

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I like Reading beacuse the line-up is usually pretty bloody good - the campsites are crazy at night but that's part of the fun. Black smoke from a bonfire is pretty shitty and all my camping gear stinks of the stuff forever... The setting fire to tents thing doesn't really happen until the last night though and I think they're cracking down on fire stuff in general. If you want a quiet night then head to white or just make sure not to camp anywhere near the path (especially in yellow, always seems to be busy all night!) or near the toilets - you can hear the banging doors from a fair way away. There are some complete idiots but I think you probably get them at any festival - I'd imagine you get more poser/irritating spoilt brats at V?

I'm going to V this year, never been before so can't reallycompare. Will find out soon though!!


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