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What was your worst moment at glastonbury?

Guest Chickenburger

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Worst moment has to be Friday morning 2005.

Camped at the foot of Pennard Hill during the flood we bore the brunt of the water which was bad enough, but the lowest point was stood in the Chinese/All Day Breakfast tent soaking wet, breathing the greasy moist hot air along with 100s of others - For 5 mins I seriously considered going home.

Anyway, we all sorted ourselves out & had a good festival, but 2005 was just not as good as the others for me.

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1985 - my second festival working there. The year of the really, really serious rain :lol: I did a 12-hour night shift on a vehicle gate that doesnt exist now (on Cockmill Lane). It rained the whole shift, and I mean the whole shift. We were regularly threatened with all sorts of violence and attempts at running us over, general hassle all round from people who thought they had a right to free entry. Got back to my tent at about 9am and found that it had leaked and everything was wet. I just sat down and cried!

But I got over it and I'm still here!

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Last year we couldnt go to glastonbury until thursday evening because we all couldnt get time off work, our other friends had kindly taken our tent and pitched it on the wednesday for us.

On the way down the motorway we got a puncture and had to stand by the side of the M4 as my friend changed the tyre in the belting down rain. That was bad enough!

When we got there we were in one of the furthest corners of the card park and walked continuously for 2 HOURS lugging all our bags in the rain.. Once we had made our way into the festival we phoned our friend to find out where to meet him but no answer. We couldnt get hold of him. None of us had ever been to glastonbury before and none of us had a clue where our tent was pitched.

After walking aimlessly for a bit more, still phoning our friend we decided to have a sit down cos we were soaking, all our stuff was wet so we couldnt really get any wetter. We sat down on a bench in the rain at the top of the pyramind stage near the cross roads to have a fag and realised we didnt even have a lighter. We were cursing our friend who's phone was now being answered by one of his horrible mates who said our friend was poorly and would not be coming to meet us to bring us to the camp....of course, we were furious as we had nowhere to sleep cos our tents were god knows where with them!!

Anyway some lovely people came out of a shelter and took us in out of the rain and we told them our sorry story and they were sympathetic and gave us a lighter and offered us drink and let us stay there until our friend came to get us which he did finally!

When we got to camp only the shell of the tent had been put up for us so we had to battle the wind and rain in the dark to put up the inner. As we peeled our sodden clothes off my friend said "whos bloody stupid idea was it to come to glastonbury!" LOL all of our stuff was soaking in all our bags. We lay down to sleep under a soaking sleeping bag in wet clothes on a wet pillow, no mattress just ground, full of stones!

The next day though we were all in much better spirits and went back to thank those lovely people who took us in on our hour of need!! They were so nice, so really my worst moment showed us the glastonbury spirit of other peoples kindness and friendliness :lol:

Edited by roseyrose
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Last year we couldnt go to glastonbury until thursday evening because we all couldnt get time off work, our other friends had kindly taken our tent and pitched it on the wednesday for us.

On the way down the motorway we got a puncture and had to stand by the side of the M4 as my friend changed the tyre in the belting down rain. That was bad enough!

When we got there we were in one of the furthest corners of the card park and walked continuously for 2 HOURS lugging all our bags in the rain.. Once we had made our way into the festival we phoned our friend to find out where to meet him but no answer. We couldnt get hold of him. None of us had ever been to glastonbury before and none of us had a clue where our tent was pitched.

After walking aimlessly for a bit more, still phoning our friend we decided to have a sit down cos we were soaking, all our stuff was wet so we couldnt really get any wetter. We sat down on a bench in the rain at the top of the pyramind stage near the cross roads to have a fag and realised we didnt even have a lighter. We were cursing our friend who's phone was now being answered by one of his horrible mates who said our friend was poorly and would not be coming to meet us to bring us to the camp....of course, we were furious as we had nowhere to sleep cos our tents were god knows where with them!!

Anyway some lovely people came out of a shelter and took us in out of the rain and we told them our sorry story and they were sympathetic and gave us a lighter and offered us drink and let us stay there until our friend came to get us which he did finally!

When we got to camp only the shell of the tent had been put up for us so we had to battle the wind and rain in the dark to put up the inner. As we peeled our sodden clothes off my friend said "whos bloody stupid idea was it to come to glastonbury!" LOL all of our stuff was soaking in all our bags. We lay down to sleep under a soaking sleeping bag in wet clothes on a wet pillow, no mattress just ground, full of stones!

The next day though we were all in much better spirits and went back to thank those lovely people who took us in on our hour of need!! They were so nice, so really my worst moment showed us the glastonbury spirit of other peoples kindness and friendliness :lol:

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Its not mine worst moment but I was walking to the other stage on the friday morning last year when I noticed a crowd of people round some bloke in the mud. They where asking him if he was ok when I noticed he had fallen in the mud and his foot was pointing the opposite way it should be. The poor bloke was in agony so my diagnosis was he was not ok. Poor bloke spending all that money wanting a great festival and then he goes and does that.

So I reckon that would be his worst festival moment if he was on here dont you think?

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My worst experience was in 2007. If you recall it got a little damp at times that year. During one of the downpours I ducked into a marquee for shelter and decided that would be an excellent time to have a nice warming cup of tea.

I ordered my tea and stuck in my customary one sugar from the big open bowl of white crystals next to where they gave me my tea. I took a quick sip and it was really hot so I decided to stroll outside whilst it cooled down as the rain had stopped (briefly).

A minute later I took another sip. It was a bit cooler but didn't taste very nice. Figured it was just rubbish tea. Another minute later and another sip. And it still tasted bad. Really bad. It had this weird kind of....salty taste to it.

The clever ones amongst you will have seen where I went wrong. Instead a nice spoon of sugar I had chucked a nasty spoon of SALT into my tea. I laughed at my own stupidity, dumped the foul concoction in the bin and went on my way.

Honestly, who leaves a great big bowl of salt right next to where you serve people tea? Madness.

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Its not mine worst moment but I was walking to the other stage on the friday morning last year when I noticed a crowd of people round some bloke in the mud. They where asking him if he was ok when I noticed he had fallen in the mud and his foot was pointing the opposite way it should be. The poor bloke was in agony so my diagnosis was he was not ok. Poor bloke spending all that money wanting a great festival and then he goes and does that.

So I reckon that would be his worst festival moment if he was on here dont you think?

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Monday 2007.

Having endured the weekend with a great deal of rain and trudging, my tent finally collapsed due to the rain at about 5.00am on Monday morning. I managed to gather up my wet things and get them to my car before returning to the camp where everyone was still asleep.

I woke up the guy I was driving back with and told him I was going to go and wait in the car. He couldn't leave til 9am as his girlfriend was on the bus and it was his tent.

I went to the car and waited there and he eventually turned up later. We then sat in a traffic jam with nothing to eat (and no desire to go back into the quagmire) until around 7pm that day, when we finally got out onto the main road.

I then had to take my car back to my parents' and get on the train into London, then the tube home. I didn't get home til midnight and I had work the next morning at 9am. It was horrible.

Edited by TomfromStroud
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I went with the wrong people last year, felt isolated the entire time even though the people I was with didn't know each other until then. They made private 'in' jokes whilst I was there, so I was not that happy a bunny.

This year should be better though as I'm going with my best friends. :unsure:

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Enduring all the rain and mud of 2007 and remaining remarkably upbeat about it all until getting hit by a mud covered beach ball Sunday evening while walking past the Other Stage and getting covered in mud; lost all my sense of humour at that point!! :unsure:

Edited by Annie H
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My worst experience was in 2007. If you recall it got a little damp at times that year. During one of the downpours I ducked into a marquee for shelter and decided that would be an excellent time to have a nice warming cup of tea.

I ordered my tea and stuck in my customary one sugar from the big open bowl of white crystals next to where they gave me my tea. I took a quick sip and it was really hot so I decided to stroll outside whilst it cooled down as the rain had stopped (briefly).

A minute later I took another sip. It was a bit cooler but didn't taste very nice. Figured it was just rubbish tea. Another minute later and another sip. And it still tasted bad. Really bad. It had this weird kind of....salty taste to it.

The clever ones amongst you will have seen where I went wrong. Instead a nice spoon of sugar I had chucked a nasty spoon of SALT into my tea. I laughed at my own stupidity, dumped the foul concoction in the bin and went on my way.

Honestly, who leaves a great big bowl of salt right next to where you serve people tea? Madness.

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Its not mine worst moment but I was walking to the other stage on the friday morning last year when I noticed a crowd of people round some bloke in the mud. They where asking him if he was ok when I noticed he had fallen in the mud and his foot was pointing the opposite way it should be. The poor bloke was in agony so my diagnosis was he was not ok. Poor bloke spending all that money wanting a great festival and then he goes and does that.

So I reckon that would be his worst festival moment if he was on here dont you think?

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my ex being a complete mad man and saying he was going to kill himself after a guy talked to me in lost vaguness..

had to leave the tent and say i was getting security to come and take him away.

he was very appologetic the next day.

needless to say we arent together anymore.

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Not new at all. Been going for nearly 20 years and I do very much appreciate the fact thats its alot more than just a music festival. It just seemed (in 2007) to have changed alot. They used to play music in between the acts on the stages and that year it was endless info messages about what I can't quite remember now! I just recall it got incredibly annoying.

To be honest my recollection of glastonburys past is that charity and various good causes are all around if you choose to seek them out, but never shoved down your throat repetitively. Admittedly my recollections are often hazy as I get older but still...

However, that really was the only glasto where I felt I'd had enough! Every other one has been spectacular in various ways. Even 2007 had a couple of highlights I think!

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