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Anyone else performing?

Guest sungubala

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Ale. Cider is not a very nice drink as far as I'm concerned!!

Well I expected people to ask "Who do you play for?" but didnt expect this! It's fine, its actually quite enjoyable to read through the guesses and guesswork...not sure why!

It will be interesting to see if any of your guesses come true wont it? :D

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lol you could drag it for weeks if you wanted :D

glastonbury is pretty immense no matter where u play, or what you do, if its your first time there in any respect you will love it... im determined to play one of the super small stages next year though...:D

Glasto is only time of year cider tastes nice to me, normally im a guiness man....

P.s. have a bit of fun with this, drop names like thom, and phrases like this is it , shamown....:lol:

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im a one man band :D, not playing this year, i just recieved a scholarship for an americain uni from august to june this year, ill hopefully play a few open mics over there, and they can hear and love my incandescantly average wailing voice :)

hopefully next year i can spoof my way to a stage :lol:, email the eavises pretend im huge in japan :D

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Get? You can't mean cash, surely?

If you're lucky, you'll get a wristband.

Edit - and I'd completely misread, sorry... Best to contact them direct, most of the stages have some form of contact details online. The excellent Glasto Earth is about as comprehensive a list as you'll find and has links to many of the stage/cafe websites.

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i am the guitarist and singer. Cheers for looking. anyway if it is mark from feeder i was talking to his niece the other day because i go to college with her and she said that feeder arn't doing any festivals this year and mark's other band arn't until next year. saying that though i did mention this site to her so if sungbala was informed of my asking about feeeder and heard about the site maybe thats why he decided to join up and tease us all. i duno.
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I've tried to refrain from confirming/denying anything (hence the many "I may or may not be's") to try and keep my identity as quiet as possible, but before I get accused of teasing people uneccesarily I'll say that I'm not Mark Richardson.

Sungubala is a mountain camp in South Africa, in the Drakensburg mountains. I've been there several times and it really is one of the greatest places on earth as far as I'm concerned. As for the whole bike ride thing, I had no idea Mark had done this, I'll have to ask him whether visited this camp or not, does anyone know the route he took?

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I'm going to take a crack at narrowing this down further - one of the posts says that the band playing this years Latitude but not headlining. I reckon that easily rules out Arctic Monkeys, Libertines, Kasabian as they'd all be clear cut headliners at Latitude. We've had a flat denial on Feeder, so the list can be cut down to 8:



Last Shadow Puppets

Maximo Park

The Enemy

The Subways

The Sunshine Underground

The View

* already on the rumours list

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I'm going to take a crack at narrowing this down further - one of the posts says that the band playing this years Latitude but not headlining. I reckon that easily rules out Arctic Monkeys, Libertines, Kasabian as they'd all be clear cut headliners at Latitude. We've had a flat denial on Feeder, so the list can be cut down to 8:



Last Shadow Puppets

Maximo Park

The Enemy

The Subways

The Sunshine Underground

The View

* already on the rumours list

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You reckon?

I'd say Madness are a far, far bigger name than Blondie, and would headline any festival they played outside of the majors. They certainly headlined Guilfest a couple years back and that was considered to be a pretty decent catch. Latitude is about the same level as that..

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"Sungubala is a mountain camp in South Africa, in the Drakensburg mountains. I've been there several times and it really is one of the greatest places on earth as far as I'm concerned."

I'm too lazy to do research into actual drummers ages but at a guess...



Last Shadow Puppets

Maximo Park

The Enemy

The Subways

The Sunshine Underground

The View

Would any of the highlighted band's drummers be old enough to have been to South Africa "several times" - especially somewhere that sounds fairly obscure - I could almost believe having gone to one of the major cities several times, so that suggests to me that he must be older than the drummers in those bands would be.

Also, some of the other bands listed may have young drummers, but I can't be bothered to do the research. :lol:

Edited by 18Alex18
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I'm going to take a crack at narrowing this down further - one of the posts says that the band playing this years Latitude but not headlining. I reckon that easily rules out Arctic Monkeys, Libertines, Kasabian as they'd all be clear cut headliners at Latitude. We've had a flat denial on Feeder, so the list can be cut down to 8:



Last Shadow Puppets

Maximo Park

The Enemy

The Subways

The Sunshine Underground

The View

* already on the rumours list

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