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Neville Street

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Everything posted by Neville Street

  1. This is where I did the handovers. The Blue route is a public road through the middle of those car parks/van fields. At the point I have marked there’s a gate to the left into the van fields and a field gate into the car park. That one was closed but there is a pull in either side of the road at that point. They can even pull in as if they are coming into van field, there’s a whole area in there where it’s busy on Tuesday/Wednesday during arrivals, but empty after that. Just a container where confiscated glass is stored, etc.
  2. 5-25 mins. We’ve been lucky enough to be in E21 several times, but also E16 and E21. E16 was 25 mins to PGC, E20 about 10-12 mins, maybe a bit longer with a toddler in tow! just read your question properly! reverse the numbers 😂 about 15/20 mins from E21 to the entry gates, 10 mins from E16
  3. Big old bonfire burning right now, right hand side, outside the fence I think.
  4. Your MiL can drive the blue route to the CV East entry gate and you can meet her there to hand over the toddler. I’ve done it multiple times. There’s space to pull off the road and it will work fine. The only issue we had was L user error” on my fathers part a few years ago, he went into the car park and got a bit lost. In terms of the traffic management it’s fine.
  5. Lots of places, but on balance it will be more lying in the sunshine outside the Cockmill and moving into the Accoustic tent for the acts I really want to see/hear.
  6. Mrs NS secured for Ferrara in Italy. Couldn’t get website into English, but she thinks it’s Springsteen on 18th May!!
  7. Springsteen Amsterdam tickets, Groundhog Day, 92k ahead of me in Q for 27th, 89k ahead for 25th. My wife has only 39k ahead of her. seems like the TM NL site is a mess.
  8. Never heard of this happening. Pick up at box office is the worst scenario. we have got coaches from Swindon, Bristol and Truro and had everything from handed out before boarding (and some other people then didn’t board), casual handout en route, rigid handout en route (with amusing angry very non Glastonbury shouting match when one guy wanted to get off in the layby as his mates were following the bus in a car because they didn’t have coach tickets, but our coach driver was having none of it!)
  9. 29th June 2019. My wife posting this picture in her social media resulted in us meeting up with friends we hadn’t seen for years that didn’t realise we were at Glastonbury.
  10. Total nightmare. At one point I had 2 standing in a basket but no payment option. Then I had 2 with dinner at €444 each. I didn’t complete the transaction 😂
  11. They will still be amazing, when they subbed Coldplay they blew them away! Feel sorry for the acts that have to follow them 🙂 their Park Stage set was one of the most enjoyable sets I’ve seen at G
  12. Do we have to have TM accounts for each country? I saw previous replies. Ireland Springsteen dates show in UK TM App. I think once they are actually on sale they may appear. Hoping to get some for Amsterdam which goes on sale this morning.
  13. Just listened to the latest Sharon Van Etten for the first (two) times. Really loving it. Can't go to Brixton on 17th June. Is there any info as to whether she might be one of the TBCs?
  14. This thread dropped almost to the third page!!
  15. Saw Marillion a few times at the Marquee in that era. But was anyone else there when Lufthansa Airport Terminal played? That’s a T-shirt I wish had survived. Howard Jones went to my school in High Wycombe! I can’t actually remember if he was support when I saw Marillion there. I do remember how Fish would take his earring out and stage dive during Grendel, which we all got very excited about. Somewhere I have a 12” picture disk that has Grendel on the B side.
  16. Thank you for the reminder about ultimate power and yacht rock at wg 🙂 only bothered to get inside the tent once, normally just chatting and enjoying it from the area outside
  17. There they go, slinking off, the murdering bastards!! Love the farm, leave no trace 😢
  18. Of course, how could I forget 🙂
  19. With only 5 weeks to go, that central part of the Arcadia field is going to be muddy. No way the grass grows properly. Maybe they will cover it in some way, was there an actual dance floor in the middle of the spider? I only ever watched it from the outside area.
  20. Good spot!! Nobody up on the farm yet, it’s 6am, the sun is up, don’t they know we have a party there in 5 weeks time 🙂
  21. Cider can give me a bit of a gag reflex and nowadays also absolutely appalling reflux, but if you power through the first pint it’s not bad. The hot cider from the bus on the Sunday night in 2007 was a lifesaver. Made watching the Who in the constant rain bearable. I will be bringing plenty of antacids this year 🙂
  22. Had to have stitches in it after the headliners finished. Still got a bald 2” line on my head!!
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