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Posts posted by whitehorses

  1. On 7/27/2019 at 5:01 PM, Madyaker said:

    I’ve tried many times to understand why so many people like this band but I just don’t get it. Just had another go on Spotify there for about 15 mins. His voice annoys me which doesn’t help. They’ve somehow fooled people into thinking they’re better than all the other indie landfill bands so hats off to them for that. They’ll probably get their shot but I don’t think it’ll be next year.

    Exactly this. Absolute shite. Emperor’s New Clothes syndrome 

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  2. 33 minutes ago, Hugh Jass said:

    I think if JJ was a serious poster then yes it could be considered bad, but realistically there’s absolutely no chance he’s genuine.

    Besides, I’d say JJ has reached a point where he’s looked upon quite fondly around these parts. I almost see “Pymild” as a term of endearment.

    Yes, I’ve totally been reading it as endearing 

  3. I’d also wondered the OP’s question. Had never - and still don’t I think knowing the story - considered it a form of quiet bullying. All forums are absolutely full of that stuff, and this is very gentle stirring 

  4. 1 minute ago, stuartbert two hats said:

    It was a misprint of their own name in their own publication, many many years ago.

    Ahhh that makes sense and rings a bell. Thanks. So Private Eye satirised that or is that a red herring? It’s still true to this day that their editing and proofing is appalling 

  5. 10 hours ago, fatyeti24 said:

    But 'Grauniad' is an in-joke.  It originated and has been running in Private Eye for decades, and reading the Guardian confirms it's still apt.


    Ah didn’t know it originated there, thanks! 

  6. 23 hours ago, kalifire said:

    Thought it was the same as the kind of people who're quite pleased with themselves at spelling 'Guardian' as 'Grauniad', as if to allude to some kind of in-joke. Spell it as it's spelt, hipster douchebags.

    Was taught this spelling by my mum 30 years ago. Not gonna change it now because someone thinks it’s hipster. Must be at least a 40 year old variation based on the fact the Guardian’s editors are fucking illiterate as fuck 

  7. Quite hard to keep track of this thread, but I’d like some heavier stuff rather than these these grime and pop trends shite. Apols if already posted. 


    System of a Down 

    Prophets of Rage (Rage played in 1994 so PoR would be fun)

    Another ‘vote’ for Slipknot 

    (Would most like to see Pearl Jam there tho) 


  8. And agree with the comments about single use cups from the bars. Most of the Glasto litter this year was these and stinking food trays. Plastic bottles and cans are far easier things to handle than sagging old curry and chips on a plate!  

    Always liked GreenMan’s and BlueDots (and others) hard plastic re-usable pots. At GreenMan they carried a return fee, so hordes of kids would pick up any abandoned cups for some pocket money.

    Seemed sensible though that was a few years ago, so might have changed... 

  9. 2 hours ago, gigpusher said:

    Plastic bottles shouldn't be reused as you end up ingesting plastic. We eat a credit card worth of plastic a week which can't be good for us. 

    Is this true? Got a serious source? They can’t be re-used forever, sure, but had always thought a few times was fine.

    If it is true, then good point! 

  10. 8 hours ago, stuartbert two hats said:

    I think the main advantage is that plastic can only be recycled 2 or 3 times before it's so low grade it has to be put in the pavement or landfill.

    Aluminium, on the other hand can be recycled over and over and over again, with barely any loss in quality. 

    Plus, aluminium is more prone to breaking down in the environment than plastics, even if aluminium oxide actually creates a barrier to prevent further corrosion, it's still much

    Having said all that, you sound like you know more about this than me - do any of those reasons hold water? It's a bit late and my phone is a bit too small to Google away to fact check myself -although I did research one bit, see if you can guess which ;)

    Well they’re not awful reasons. It’s certainly true that PET can only be recycled a few times before it’s low grade. But it’s also low impact, cheap, and very light, and could be burnt end of life to recover the energy. 

    I don’t know how about degradability of aluminium in the environment, but will look it up! But Glastonbury is in effect a closed system, they can control everything that enters and leaves (give or take) so there’s no reason why that thinking should be a factor. If they wanted they could mechanically sort *all* the festival’s rubbish and recycle everything possible, including food waste in their biodigester. 

    The waste hierarchy is reduce > reuse > recycle. Plastic bottles can be reused many times, aluminium cans can’t. 

    Like all these things it’s complicated but I don’t think the posturing around plastic water bottles is quite as impressive as lots of others seem to (from environmental grounds). It was really impressive to see how religiously people took their water bottle filling though, so it clearly worked from that perspective. 




  11. Yes, interesting thoughts.

    A question: Why are water cans thought to be so much better than plastic bottles? They hold less and can’t be sealed (truly single use!). Plus, the extraction of bauxite for the aluminium is a horror show. Both are dumb, but water in aluminium seems even more absurdly wasteful than water in plastic to me. 

    Yes, cans can be readily recycled (and kept in a recycling loop) but similarly PET plastic bottles are one of the most recycled objects in the UK. 

    We hear that 1 million fewer plastic bottles were sold, but we don’t hear how many extra aluminium cans were sold in replacement. 



  12. 1 hour ago, gordong said:

    Between her and the 1975, I’m not sure I’m out of touch or people are delusional. 

    I’d take Swift over 1975 any day of the week. And I don’t like Swift, but do generally like men with guitars. Think Swift would be an awesome Pyramid headliner given the current direction of travel. Didn’t go to a Pyramid headliner this year, but I would’ve gone to Swift. 

    Whenever people start applauding 1975 I assume they’ve got their CDs in the wrong boxes. Dross. 


    Edit: But if we’re gonna have a women pop act #1 choice is Gaga obvs

  13. 31 minutes ago, gmb1992 said:

    Are there dump stations/ places for emptying waste water in the CV fields or am I expecting too much? 

    Yep. Plenty of water points and chemical toilet dumps

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