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Everything posted by FloopFiller

  1. Such a comedown seeing a band I like doing Manchester and then realising it’s Victoria Warehouse. I’ve pretty much stopped bothering going there altogether due to it being such a pain in the arse to get to/from.
  2. Along with the lineup as a whole being less than spectacular in terms of exciting big acts who have yet to play the festival, I think the fact they’ve given us the stage splits (a lot of which appear to be in day order, too) has really sucked some of the fun out of the post-lineup/pre-stage poster fun. We’d all be wondering who the f**k the subs are right now, wondering if Pulp are gonna get added in later, or what time Sugababes are gonna be on the Pyramid, but they’ve just done away with most of the wild speculation straight out the gate, most likely intentionally to avoid possible further disappointment.
  3. Really reeks of them having drop outs and filling the gaps with friends of the festival and/or cheap options.
  4. Eh, that was at least when Disclosure were new and exciting, even if they were a bit sh*t, and Massive Attack on Other was a good booking even if they’re not the most exciting live act. Now we’ve got Coldplay, again, Disclosure way past their prime, Jessie, again, Gossip for some reason, and Peggy Gou headlining the Park for some reason. Way worse imo.
  5. The shittest and most uninspired single night of headliners I can remember at the festival. I’m even a fan of Jessie, but she literally headlined a stage two years ago and I’ve seen her countless times already. First time I’ve ever been left with no option I’m even a tiny bit interested in seeing.
  6. Pretty sure they’re playing IICON one night.
  7. Got an album called When Will Be Land? It’s good.
  8. He won’t be doing a live set like last year, but really wouldn’t surprise me to see him turn to do a DJ set or two somewhere in some capacity, most likely in an unannounced slot.
  9. No, they’re both headliners so will be directly clashing, as dumb of a clash as that is.
  10. 11 mins in here. Make of it what you will! https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001wy37
  11. All three of this years third downs seem like they should be a slot lower tbf, and Kiwanuka sticks out the most. Maybe it’ll make more sense come the festival assuming he’ll have a new album out, but he currently pales in comparison to a lot of the third downs we’ve had in the past.
  12. Lauren Laverne confirmed it on the radio with the announcement.
  13. Third top Saturday has been confirmed to be Michael Kiwanuka.
  14. Gonna have to stop you right there - the 2008 lineup was awful, jam packed with indie landfill throughout and was a grim vision of how the music scene looked in 2008. Thankfully the 2009 lineup came back swinging and remains one of the better ones in recent years, but that 2008 lineup (and 07 before it), uck, grim times and not at all surprising that it struggled (although obviously the headliners + rained off previous festivals didn’t help).
  15. I think it’s far less Emily’s fault and more a combination of the hardships brought on by COVID, Brexit, it being a sh*t touring year for acts, and the fact Glastonbury has pretty much exhausted the well of ginormous name acts willing to play for less than they’d get elsewhere and so they’re having to go back to old familiar names. The scheduling this year is pretty janky and makes the lineup look worse than if we’d have gotten a traditional first poster imo, but given we know the struggles they had behind the scenes securing the third headliner etc I’m not surprised some of it looks a bit iffy. Hopefully this is just an adjustment period and not a sign of the struggles the festival is gonna face going forward, but I do think the mega star studded lineups of the last fifteen years might be a thing of the past, or at least to that same insane standard.
  16. Saturday night headliners are shocking but they’ll all (Gossip aside) pull hefty crowds I’d have thought. Obviously unpopular choices to music nerds like on here but to the masses that’s some big popular names to choose from. Just frustrating that they’ve chosen to put Coldplay/Jessie and Disclosure/Peggy on the same night as I’m sure they’d each draw similar crowds which leaves f**k all for the rest of us. Terrible scheduling.
  17. Idles such a big booking for the slot that they had to be called up a week prior to the lineup announcement to be offered it when plans A through F didn’t work out.
  18. I’m FAR more excited about the prospect of LCD > Dua than I was LCD > Coldplay. Feel like Coldplay fans have far more tendency to camp up front of the Pyramid for long spells to guarantee a spot, and if 2016 was anything to go by, pay little interest to who’s on before if they’re not familiar. Think a Dua crowd will be more responsive to some electronic dance punk, even if it is being yelped at them by a guy who could be their dad, and I’ve gotta assume a large portion of the crowd will be massively off their tits as well which will help things. Think it’s gonna be an absolute blast.
  19. Never even heard of these before Thursday but along with Balming Tiger this has the potential to be the most fun set of the weekend. Obviously not an act I would ever see in any other instance so already up there as a must see for me.
  20. They’ll come with the full lineup, and hopefully means they’ll be on fair early doors to avoid a clash. Gonna be such a party.
  21. No defending those Saturday night headliner choices though. Total shite. Even Jessie Ware who I like is just a totally uninspired 2022 bump up who I don’t really fancy ending my night with, although might end up doing through lack of choice.
  22. Yeah we really were putting a lot of faith in those Pyramid sub/Other headliners delivering the goods, maybe too much so, and although I’m seriously stoked about LCD > Dua, it’s hard to argue that they’re a strong or even suitable sub, and the others aren’t exactly premiere bookings either even though I think Simz and Burna Boy are cool choices (Idles and Disclosure much less so…) Chaka missing is baffling, and I’m now wondering if money was the issue when she was apparently booked and then bailed from 2020.
  23. Biggest issue with the lineup I think is how overly familiar so much of it looks. Obviously this is far more of a problem for regulars than first timers, but there are a lot of acts there from 2022 and other recent festivals who’ve been bumped up the lineup - Idles third Other to Other headliner, Little Simz Holts headliner to Pyramid sub, Burna Boy Other sub to Pyramid sub are just three from 2022, and then there are all the other Glastonbury/UK festival standards filling a lot of the rest of the lineup - Disclosure, Paloma Faith, Paul Heaton, Two Door Cinema Club, Anne-Marie etc. This year seems a bit of a crap touring year overall so that obviously comes in to play, but it really does feel like the goodwill and low budget just isn’t going as far anymore.
  24. FloopFiller

    2024 Moments

    Most circle pits ever recorded in a four minute timespan.
  25. Eh, think you’re overestimating just how popular The National are to a wider audience. Their Pyramid sub slot and the mass head scratching that came along with it suggests they don’t have a lot of people’s ears outside of their core fanbase. They’ll do fine, but they’re hardly gonna pack out the field, even with a weaker Pyramid headliner on at the same time.
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