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Everything posted by Superscally

  1. Arctic Monkeys could definitely do the legends slot, as they've got about 6 albums out now and been around for ages. Pulp will deffo headline one night as they're on a comeback and that means Harry Styles does the Friday, with GnR opening the other.
  2. I think the chip is more Rod's...
  3. Must be weird being the legend underneath a presumably bigger and more current legend.
  4. My stepdad who is a big fan (I'd love Rod by the way) says there is genuine needle.
  5. They're not speaking dude. Also no way would Rod play second fiddle, which he'd see that as. Minus infinity chance.
  6. If only I wasn't so fucking tired the next day as a result 🤣
  7. I will always love you. The song too.
  8. Kenny Rogers was vocally disappointed with the muted response to Ruby at the time. On stage.
  9. This is why Glasto has gone to the dogs...
  10. Mega lineup. Tickets got. First timer! Wooooo! Tell me things, people x
  11. Woof. I'm having this.
  12. Is that because it's an album of James Milners? P.s. I like James Milner.
  13. I'm in the zone of "always enjoy a Kate Bush tune but generally never put her on/own any" (If thats a zone? Must be. I'm in it)...but...if she played I would be VERY excited
  14. Superscally


    The gear will be all on the trucks by 12. Half an hour drive. They could go for a maccies drive thru and still piss it...
  15. Yeah. I'll have this. YYYs GnR and WoD for me. HANGONWAITAFUCKINGMINUTEWHEREISREG?
  16. Guns could headline. Course they could. They won't play legend in a million years.
  17. When do lineups/rumours tend to emerge? On no logic, or knowledge I call: King Gizz Phoebe Bridgers Big Thief Personal favourite to appear anywhere: Marlon Williams Thoughts? Any likely candidates emerging already?
  18. So, are Arctic Monkeys playing?
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