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Yoghurt on a Stick

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Everything posted by Yoghurt on a Stick

  1. Now, that's what I call dedication. Wishing you a lovely last Fandango at the festival.
  2. I had actually thought it might be as such, but just couldn't 'see' it. And then my mind started to wander and think maybe it's spelling out something else. Not in a barmy way,- like I personally was being sent a 'message'! Just in an I don't know if it's even spelling out anything kind of a way. It's why i asked. I 'needed' to know! So, thanks Crazy.
  3. A couple of things - (1) I had no idea that the place looked like that. It's more regimented than a regimented thing. That 'may' be useful at night though when staggering back ie if you have counted the row and column that you are camped at. However, it's no way near the 'razzmatazz' of general camping. (2) At the bottom part of the photo of the tents, is that the letters 'Y', 'E', and 'W' within the overall body of the tents? Does that make any sense?
  4. I guess it's possible (at a stretch, in my opinion) to consider a very small percentage of the posts to be 'abusive' However, the much greater percentage go off on a tangent away from the content of the original post. or are serious questions.on the content of the post. I don't see a ' sniggering clique, desperate to impress internet strangers by joining in the newbie abuse'
  5. Thanks for the explanation. I can stop scratching my head now, as to how this came about. Good luck with getting a 2 person tent, and have a fab festival.
  6. I can't see the maths there. Surely the OP is just saying that it's £200 each - which includes himself paying £200? @Fabulousfab - I am just wondering what possessed you to book this in the first place?
  7. Thanks for the enlightenment. I just happened to stumble across the product earlier today, and thought that they might be of use. However, I can now see that they'd be crap in battle conditions.
  8. I have no idea how sturdy these seats are, but some people might find them useful for Glastonbury; https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334702735801?var=543857663073&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338723872&toolid=20006&customid=PxnJeCIcAAAAQu66wHlCxaRGwtcvAAAAAA
  9. Or, they may be on another site, but opening that means opening the sluice gates on the whole. Or - any number of reasons. I'm only making suggestions as they enter my head.
  10. 'Somebody' in control of such things might be a fan, and cannot bear being away from the site, even in school time.
  11. Did they mention him, or the Glastonbury festival?
  12. That's an amusing bit of self reference. I like 'goths' No, more accurate still, I like the idea of goths. I don't know (and have never known) any goths. I do enjoy their sartorial elegance though. I heavily suspect that I wouldn't get on with the associated music - but may be wrong on that one. The world is a better place for the existence of goths.
  13. I camembert these cheese related puns any longer. They're just too cheesey. That's it. I'm stopping now.
  14. I'll take 'Cheesus of Nazareth' over a Stinking Bishop, any day of the week.
  15. Oh, that is sweet. Congratulations - you do get to go to the ball. 'God' has chosen so. Enjoy.
  16. There was a period during lockdown where no groups greater than 30 were allowed. It just so happens that his coincided with his 60th birthday. I have no idea how he did it, but he managed to secure the Farmer Phil's site for his 60th birthday, whilst limited to 30 people. He had even got the equipment for a silent disco for 30 people. Anyway, we partied through the night until there was just 4 people around the outdoor fire. We watched the sun rise. Not too long after that a full n hunt came over the hill opposite to us. There were far more than 30 in their group, and they were 'not' drag hunting. It was the most surreal of moments.
  17. Well, they certainly never said, if they had read it. I was only about 19 at the time and didn't want them to know of my activities. When I was about 25 they asked me at their dining table if I took drugs. I hadn't been expecting that question, didn't have time to think, and also wanted to be open about it, so said 'yes' to them.
  18. Just in my wallet once (about £500's worth of coke) The second time was an equally expensive amount, and was achieved via modifying one of these;
  19. I once went to Birmingham airport for someone's surprise 60th. She was a the airport, but had no idea that she had tickets to fly away to a sunny place (the place's name eludes me now). Anyway, there was a gang of us. This included the person who had taken their (she was married to a nice bloke) suitcases, so they had some clobber to wear on the holiday. It was a very 'messy' holiday. It was great fun though. Not sure what that has to do with 'flying aircraft'. I've just remembered another passenger experience. I once put in a $20 note within my passport nd asked the clerk to upgrade me and my wife. He did. And then there's the times that I have smuggle................................................. through airports.
  20. There have been two occasions when my name and partial address has been printed like that. The first was when I won £25 in the local paper's spot the ball competition. The second was in the same paper, but was connected with a court case that I was specifically involved in. It was only for dope possession, but enough in my young mind to blow my noggin with 'disturbance' that my parents would read it themselves in the paper.
  21. Frank Farian - founder of Boney M
  22. I suspect you know all the aviation stories, but if you haven't, the story of John Wildey is worth a read. He was an OAP who managed to land a plane after the pilot had died, having had no flying experience. Forgive the source (the Daily Mail), but it's the first one that I came across. I actually heard about it on the radio; https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2451546/Grandad-John-Wildey-landed-plane-pilot-collapsed-Hero-I-just-held-joystick.html
  23. get-there-itis - If you haven't read it (or heard the radio documentary on it), I suggest that you may want to look into - All Four Engines Have Failed: True and Triumphant Story of Flight BA 009 and the Jakarta Incident by Betty Tootell
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