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Everything posted by guypjfreak

  1. We stood there one day outside the tent whilst he told that story.. About helping people etc.. Load of bollox imo lol
  2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixto_Rodriguez
  3. Totally agree Check this Geeza out.. Pj did a song about him but like as often happens truth is more amazing The leather man https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leatherman_(vagabond)
  4. He's always there.. Yakking on about letting your neighbours help fix the gutting for you and you helping cut the hedge for them... All for free so we live in harmony and cash free.. He doesn't of course he pays someone to do it.. Load of bollox old son
  5. guypjfreak

    BRITs 2023

    Bad day old son. Thanks for putting me right..
  6. guypjfreak

    BRITs 2023

    A load of bollox imo
  7. Why stevie wonder A Hes already headlined and B..... As above lol
  8. Fair play old sons It feels strange not having to look every day Very relaxing lol
  9. Spring ground is ideal for another glamping spot.. I'll be pissed off if they do this.... Does anyone know just how many glamping sites are in and around glasto nowadays.. Would be interesting to know.
  10. This is a nightmare... I've seen people in chairs struggling to get back to spring ground but now they have to go all the way back to gate A basically.. At least with spring it was just a bit of a way to the pyramid stage. They will probably just add spring and Hitchin hill together as family... But as someone who uses spring ground I can't see a good reason to change it.. There was still enough space last year.. The ONLY reason I can think of is wicked ground is flatter.. But as I have said. Its a lonnnggg way at the moment end of the day and I can see a lot of people being pissed off by this...
  11. Nope......... Its a pearl jam thing old son.. Lol
  12. Shoe the shoeless If you know you know
  13. Yea we were not SO military this year because most can't be bothered but believe me we were fucking organised old son.. Big time.. And yea of course it needs youngsters but also us vets have spent a lot of time and money but if you see some of the videos from other festivals where the young people go I fucking hope they grow up before they go to glasto.. Fuckkkkkkkkk now I'm even sounding old Peace and love Bye Lol. G
  14. Thank fuck that's over old sons.. Fucking load of bollox imo And in brighter news we had baby Eliza over for a sleepover last night.. We all camped out in the morning front room.. We've had no sleep but she had a good time..
  15. Getting ruined by laughing gas nobs.. Me and the wife spent an hour picking up the fucking things.. A fucking ruck sack full.. Found a bin boom.. It wasn't hard people..
  16. Old son it's just getting stupid.. We used to get a real good group together but now it's just a a few if any.... Luckily my son got through for us but none of my friends got through and we have / had a really good system.. I know there's no reason unless you believe in conspiracies but it really does seem that people that have been going for years say 15plus are no longer getting tickets where as there's a lot of newbies who are getting tickets.. Fuck knows the reason but I do know that I see less and less vets going nowadays even tho I know they are still going for tix. Good luck tho old son.. I'll be on hand tix day. G
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