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is it wrong, that one the things i most look forward to......

Guest Hazey Jamie

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Amen to that, good brother. my first experience of the long drop was way back in the first flushes of my youth, back in 2005. it was the sunday morning of my first ever glastonbury festival, and i was backed up big time. i was somewhat intimidated by the portaloos, as i saw a hideous incident at the melbourne big day out the previous year, where some young soul was verily tipped over in a portaloo and the poor bastard was covered in theirs, and others, excrement. poor git. in 32 degree heat, too.

sod that, i thought. its the longdrops for me. it was a sunny sunday, approx half nine, and i trotted over to the longdrops by the greenfields entrance, bog paper in hand. i went straight into a central cubicle, saw the layout of a large and sturdy looking board with a convenient bum-shaped receptacle, and thought 'right - lets do this thing'.

it felt as if i had passed a baby crocodile.

i took the opportunity to check him out, down there in the morning sun, twinkling among a sea of. . . . well, just a sea. i admired him - and thought seriously about taking a photo for posterity, for truly he was a good 8 or 9 incher, and with not an inconsiderable girth!

i left him to live out his days there, and went back to me campsite with THE BROADEST GRIN ive managed. probably only spurs smacking arsenal 5-1 could match it for big rictus grins. the relief was amazing.

one hour later, with almost unbelievable timing, i needed another. so back it was to the long drops, for another momentous bowel movement.

never again will i trouble a portaloo with my arse. its open air, all the way!

don't fear the longdrop: embrace it with, um, open cheeks!

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When at Glasto the morning ritual is to have a good smoke and a cuppa first thing. Within seconds I'm ready to get rid of the previous days festival intake. Time to call in at the long drops on route to Jazz world for breakfast and some brothers pear. From then on I'm ready to take on the world.

And to think I used to try and store it all up for 5 days :lol:

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