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Help - First-timer trying to make travel plans


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Hi All,

I'm unbelievably excited about my first time at glastonbury, but have left my travel planning very late. Assumed that you just rock up like at other festivals, but am starting to realise that it may not be that simple!

I'm aiming to get there on Wednesday morning (staying about a 2hr journey away the night before). Do you think it is best to drive or take the train?

Seems like the journey there is the easier part, but the journey back sounds like it can be pretty tough-going. In your experience, is it best to queue for the shuttle to the station and then again for the train, or to get in the car and hope for the best? 

Any help would be much appreciated - thanks in advance

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Well, you do just sort of rock up like at other festivals, and like other festivals you have a choice of how you do that.  So really, its down to personal preference, how much stuff you are taking, whether you are sensible enough to take it easy on Sunday so you can drive on Monday, whether your start point is near a station.  The only significant difference is that you will need to buy a carpark ticket for £35 I think, if you haven't done so already.  You can buy these on the gate.  Also the shuttle bus drops you closer to a gate than the car park!

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