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Camping Location - Glastonbury 2015!


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Hi all

This is my first time to Glastonbury and I literally have friends camping in pretty much every field and I cannot pick where to go.

Does anyone that has been a few times have any good recommendations? Even any PLEASE DO NOT STAY THERE ones also?



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honestly, don't stress over where to camp too much. if you are there to party and stay up late you might want to try and get into pennards but it fills up very quickly so unless you are there when the gates open you likely wont get in. If you want something quieter and a good night's sleep, head for one of the camping grounds on the outskirts but keep in mind it is likely to be a bit of a trek back to your tent at night.

As spindles says above, who you camp near to can make all the difference.

My only tip would be dont camp next to a path or too near to toilets.

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If you want to be in a party field then places like Pennards Hill and Oxylers would be a good choice. if you want to meet up with your friends but be camped somewhere more quiet then I'd suggest Bushy or Pylon Fields, somewhere more on the fringes of the site. I camp in Bushy Fields nowadays as I prefer to be in a quieter area. I did have some great times in Pennards though I must admit!

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It's hourses for courses really, on your first year it won't make a difference where you camp - you are bound to get lost at some point, and realise you could have camped somewhere better, its all part of the experience.

My preference is simple, as close to the railway track as I can carry my stuff from whichever gate i end up going through. It's the main access path through the site, and I'm lazy and out of shape.

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How long roughly is the walk from gate A to the top of pennards? We have booked a pre erected tent with camplight and are getting the coach.

I remember the walk in the last time and it was horrendous! No idea what carp ark we came in or where we even camped!

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The best things at glastonbury are almost never happening near your tent, people on here are a little obsessed but where you camp doesn't really make a lot of difference to your festival (trust me I used to think it did but it doesn't) use your tent for sleeping and relaxing a bit fist thing in the morning, then go out and have fun.

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