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Oxylers/pennard hill grounds

Guest Bhoy67

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My preferred camping area was near the top of Big Ground. Lots of reasons: stays reasonably dry, fairly quiet at night, near the 24 hour cafe, not far from ATM Machines and 'Flushing Meadows' - really nice proper porcelain flush toilets, Also no great distance from the police station (we figured it was therefore more likely to be crime free.

The really big plus was not far from Radio Avalon/Worthy FM where the illuminated mast acted like a guiding light to help you home late at night.

It's also a gentle stroll down to either The Pyramid or the Acoustic Tent.

Quite a trek if you want to head over to John Peel but it depends on your taste in music.

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Infinitely early. Basically since the early opening it's just as manic now, only earlier.

Last year folk said "joined the queue at 6am, was only small"

By 6am this year it was three fields long.

This year it will be three fields long by 3am.

It's like an arms race basically. You're FAR FAR FAR better off if you have a large group being realistic and camping where there's space

It's demented now. There's no better atmosphere in any particular field - campsite life has utterly died out, everyone's out all night in the late night area until they come back and pass out.

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Infinitely early. Basically since the early opening it's just as manic now, only earlier.

Last year folk said "joined the queue at 6am, was only small"

By 6am this year it was three fields long.

This year it will be three fields long by 3am.

It's like an arms race basically. You're FAR FAR FAR better off if you have a large group being realistic and camping where there's space

It's demented now. There's no better atmosphere in any particular field - campsite life has utterly died out, everyone's out all night in the late night area until they come back and pass out.

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We arrived about 2am and were just about the last people inside the railed area by the gate, by the last portaloo. Result of that was that we had the pick of the place, being through the gate by 7.15am, first ones set up in South park. Cold at night, but fun, friendly atmosphere and we were through in record time, really well organised.

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We were probably within 10m of you just a bit down the queue leading down the hill.

Seriously debating if it's worthwhile this year - EVERYWHERE is fun and friendly and while it was a good spot I'm really not sure it's worth the extra hassle. In the end I was fairly OK with our lot but by only a few hours later the queue was utterly ridiculous - and almost all those people will be thinking "shit... better come an hour earlier next time"

Not sure I want to take part in that arms race. I still remember rocking up well past gates opening on wednesday, finding the place mostly empty and me parked next to a bunch of other nutters I know or at least recognise - did not see one person I recognised on the way in this year.

There are a lot of glasto-nutters now and every year these forums and others make it worse and worse talking about specific fields as if they're paved with friendly gold. They're not anymore! It's nine years since there was the mega-camps in pennards with central firepits and big army style social tents.... it's just a campsite like any other now - half regulars and half people pissy about it not being as fun as they expected and not understanding why people insist on walking through Their Campsite.

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