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enter your festival pictures

Guest 5co77ie

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It's that time again, for you to enter your favourite picture taken this summer to grace the cover of the eFestivals' calendar.

You can either post your scaled pictures in this thread or add a link to it - if it is rather big. Small sized versions would be handy otherwise this thread will rapidly become rather huge for anyone trying to read it.

Note: The forum software will re-size your images.

Entries will be polled by forum members at the end of the end of the month and the winner announced soon after. The winning entry must be provided to us in hi-res and will win the entrant a free copy of the 2011 calendar - and of course glory and accolades from other forum members.

The photograph must be your own work, and you must legally hold the copyright to it (so no copying photos out of magazines or nicking them from other websites!).

Entries must be posted in this thread before OCTOBER 17th 2010.

The full size image must be printed on the cover and so must be at least 600 pixels wide, and the total file must be taken on a camera larger than 4.0 megapixels.

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I only seemed to take photos of my mates this year.

Will have to remember this next year and take some interesting photos.

Posting these anyway just because they make me smile :D

Nephew at Oye Festival, Liverpool


My sis at Leeds


Some friends trying to recreate the Iwo Jima pic (quite badly I'm afraid) - we were drunk, it worked at the time


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