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Sunday Night

Guest ap3311

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Not sure about everyone else but the Sunday Night was actually ok this time round. We were camped in Brown and other than seeing a couple of fires over towards Red and some fireworks going off that was it. Some 16 year olds near us tried to start a fire but security came over and stopped them. They handled it very well imo just explaining the rule against fires and saying if they carried on they'd be evicted, they did seemed to genuinely want some warmth rather than to burn their tents etc. and they were cool about not being allowed one. Too many times I've seen relatively harmless situation escalate because of heavy-handed security staff so top marks to this lot and well done for using some common sense, in fact the security were great across the whole weekend, much better than previous years.

Anyone experience anything different?

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Weird not having any riots this year, only thing i saw was a big fire in purple, but i think that was for warmth more than anything, because lets be honest, it was fooking cold. It was good feeling secure on the sunday night, and the police presense this year made me feel alot safer than previous years. Overall success by security at this years festival, only downer i had was having a god awful cold for the whole festival.

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I was camped in P3 (same as last year) and found the whole Sunday night completely different. The fires and mob started slowly but once a crowd gathered together it became pretty big, a mob bigger than I saw last year. The police and stewards took a completely different attitude, the stewards were just generally dicks but the police were fair but firm. Problem was that the police shut off some of the gates so left the 'angry mob' roaming round purple unable to get out. They just kept laying fires, throwing tents and cannisters on and then moving on when it was put out.

Overall, it was probably better for most campsites but not for where I was.

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I was camped in P3 (same as last year) and found the whole Sunday night completely different. The fires and mob started slowly but once a crowd gathered together it became pretty big, a mob bigger than I saw last year. The police and stewards took a completely different attitude, the stewards were just generally dicks but the police were fair but firm. Problem was that the police shut off some of the gates so left the 'angry mob' roaming round purple unable to get out. They just kept laying fires, throwing tents and cannisters on and then moving on when it was put out.

Overall, it was probably better for most campsites but not for where I was.

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I was in purple, and there were a whole load of fires, often 2 at once. Loads of gas canisters being thrown as well. Highlight of the night though, was one person who was about to set fire to a tent, who'd got a can of deodorant and a lighter, and was spraying the can on the lighter, pointing it at the tent. Because of all the light, you could see him doing it from miles away. Unluckily for him, he didn't see the stewards coming up behind him until they were a metre away, when he tried running.

Watching from a couple of metres away a fairly weak idiot get tackled to the ground by two burly security people? = Priceless. :D

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went for a piss in purple around 3am ish on sunday night, seemed quiet-ish, but security were chucking people into their make shift jail like it was a competition for the most people in it. The medical tent was rammed with injuries and people looking cold and upset, lookled like they had their tents burned rather than they took too much

police presence was definately very noticeable, not sure about coming out of the arena after blink, going into yellow and being confronted by angry looking police standing arms folded just waiting for it to kick off, cant decide whether that made me feel safer or more threatened! felt like i was in a protest or something

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went for a piss in purple around 3am ish on sunday night, seemed quiet-ish, but security were chucking people into their make shift jail like it was a competition for the most people in it. The medical tent was rammed with injuries and people looking cold and upset, lookled like they had their tents burned rather than they took too much

police presence was definately very noticeable, not sure about coming out of the arena after blink, going into yellow and being confronted by angry looking police standing arms folded just waiting for it to kick off, cant decide whether that made me feel safer or more threatened! felt like i was in a protest or something

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I have mixed emotions regarding sunday night. First let me state this was my 12th reading festival in a row, so i have seen the "riots" wax and wane throught the years.


quieter and less obvious overall trouble on sunday night

Good security ALL weekend not just sunday

Vocal security advising when tent thefts were happening and actually apprehending the culprits!

Generally friendlier security.

Less gas canister explosions


Campfire ban on sunday night, the WORST decision in the history of the festival. First it punishes the majority for the actions of the few, second it galvanises the "rioters" and forces them to go direct there attentions elsewhere such as the VASTLY increased number of tents destroyed/slashed/burnt this year. More importantly it kills the "vibe" or atmosphere of the festival for the honest/good attendess who just want to keep warm, socialise and celeberate the end of another great festival.

For me it may be the final straw for this festival if the "sensible" people cannot be allowed to relax and enjoy the festival and are forced by over the top rules(campfire 8pm) and levels of security and police reminiscent of guantanamo bay, we do not need to be treated like children and for those that DO simple action by security to swiftly apprehend/arrest remove from site and LIFETIME ban.

The police presence was imho over the top, this was a festival not a G20 summit protest. The actions of the police i witnessed were reprehnsible including assaulting an 18 year old girl attempting to walk back to her tent down the path she was caught across the arm with a baton for getting presumably "too close" to the police, i witnessed 20+ people leaving purple campsite with visible blood wounds all loudly advising the police were responsible.

I was also witness to security evicting a group of campers in brown camp due to having broken the "no fires" rule on sunday night, the group of 7/8 20 somethings had "dared" to light a single tall candle in place of their fire for light, this was rapidly extinguished and the group were forcibly removed despite the individuals concerned apologising and advising they weren't aware that a candle! broke the rule, after 5 minutes of arguing/discussion with the over the top security the campers were allowed to collect there belongings but not notably their tents and led away.

Now for me the positives of a quieter/safer campsite while good and prefered are not worth the costs outlined above.

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