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How to persuade friends..?

Guest Vogue

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I was all for going to glastonbury this year, but my friends didn't like the idea so missed the tickets which i am gutted about. So I suggested V, as there may be more bands that they like (One loves n-dubz *any other awful x factor rubbish*, the others will be happy with the radio 1 playlist...they tell me my music taste is crap- blur, REM, friendly fires, white lies etc, none of which they have heard of) They've said they'd like to go, but I know that when its time to buy the tickets they won't be so enthusiastic. Going alone is a definite no, so any tips on how to persuade them to join me?

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I was all for going to glastonbury this year, but my friends didn't like the idea so missed the tickets which i am gutted about. So I suggested V, as there may be more bands that they like (One loves n-dubz *any other awful x factor rubbish*, the others will be happy with the radio 1 playlist...they tell me my music taste is crap- blur, REM, friendly fires, white lies etc, none of which they have heard of) They've said they'd like to go, but I know that when its time to buy the tickets they won't be so enthusiastic. Going alone is a definite no, so any tips on how to persuade them to join me?
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As said join the efest forum group in Orange and leave your mates in the car park with an iPod and a bottle of Tizer, sounds like they'd have more fun that way.

You can't run your life to someone else's tastes so do what you want - if you want to do Glasto just do it, otherwise you will end up missing all the good stuff.

I've been going to V for ages and most of the people I go there with are ones I met at V over the years, you could well find all the music friends who will go to new festivals with, because it sounds like your mates wouldn't enjoy any festival - and if they did you'd end up watching their bands not ones you want even if they're playing.

Oh and your taste in music is individual and not crap, most of the bands on your list have talent so don't worry about it ;-)

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I know the acts at V are likely to be more to my friends' taste than my own, but I went to V for the first time last year and actually had a great time and saw some great bands so I'm hoping for the same again this year. I think I've managed to persuade them, they seem pretty keen now after they had a look through a few of my photos from last year. So fingers crossed I'll be there again this year, I guess it won't quite be glastonbury but after V hopefully they'll be more keen next year :-D

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I know the acts at V are likely to be more to my friends' taste than my own, but I went to V for the first time last year and actually had a great time and saw some great bands so I'm hoping for the same again this year. I think I've managed to persuade them, they seem pretty keen now after they had a look through a few of my photos from last year. So fingers crossed I'll be there again this year, I guess it won't quite be glastonbury but after V hopefully they'll be more keen next year :-D
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What don't your friends like about the idea of going?

Did they turn Glasto down for the mud? the camping? not into live music? Find out what's putting em off and convince them about the good stuff on offer - (relatively) good crowd, sheets down by the main stages so you're not jumping around in mud, previous lineups etc. Fingers crossed my best mate is going to take the plunge this year after about 5 years of trying to drag him along, all he needed was a new girlfriend that was up for coming!!

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Guest musiclove123

It is always hard to get people who have never been to a festival/friends who have families to go. Best thing to do as suggested earlier is to ask what they dont like and try and show is isnt all that bad i.e 'I'll be all sweaty'. They will have showers. 'I don't like crowds'. We can stay near the back, it isnt always packed unless you go to the front. If there is still no getting them. There are always going to be the people who say 'oooh a festival? Ooooo I could never do that'

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yeah, well if you think thats hard, trying balancing a laptop on your knees when you're knocking one off...now thats difficult...(and if you're wondering why I don't put it on the table...I couldn't find a spare seat on the train that had one)
Edited by staffsknot
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I have a hard job now mate trying to get the orange juice I just spat across my wall laughing at that line!

Seriously though the worst outcome is to go to a festival with people who don't want to be there, its really not worth the effort.

You also get those with no clue what a festival entails, a mate from uni seriously took a dressing gown (as in red smoking style) and slippers in case he needed to go to the toilet in the night... suffice to say he never lived it down, some people just have no idea what goes on. Like Music says might be worth finding out what their issues are and sorting them if possible.

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