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The Horrors

Guest Explosions_In_The_Sky

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Gazing through my CD collection the other day my brother (who has a fascination for anything late 70s and depressing [amongst other things of course]) asked me why the hell I hadn't got the new album by the Horrors. Of course, I laughed at the suggestion. What the Horrors? That bunch of attention seeking, noir clad pond slime from Airsexxxxxx? I thought they vanished off the face of the earth along with fellow cock rockers the Towers of London.

Few days later I walked in on him playing Fallout 3 to a custom soundtrack. Quite bleak, suited the game well, very atmospheric, very post punky. basically it had everything that led me tofall in love with Gothy Era Cure/Chameleons/J.D/first Interpol CD etc. I asked what it was, expecting him to come up with some early 80s Goth o Rama act, and he told me it was the Horrors new album (Primary Colours).

Anyway, to cut this crap short, if you ever dismissed the Horrors a few years back, and you like ethereal post punk, than reconsider them. I've given their the CD a download, it's very good and I'll pick it up in town tomorrow for sure.

Everything people made the truly woeful White Lies (and Editors) out to be. Easily the best gothy post punk mainstream sound I'm heard from a 00's band since turn on the bright lights.

Gonna catch them at Reading now :huh:

Edited by Explosions_In_The_Sky
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Great, great album but I would seriously reccomend you go back and dig out the first lp. That was also a great album it just so happened they were on a major label that insisted on selling them as a group of trendy, cartoonish punks. It does have some filler but it honestly isn't too far removed from Primary Colours.

Edited by thomasowen
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Great, great album but I would seriously reccomend you go back and dig out the first lp. That was also a great album it just so happened they were on a major label that insisted on selling them as a group of trendy, cartoonish punks. It does have some filler but it honestly isn't too far removed from Primary Colours.
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I never liked it at the time. I may of course reconsider, but it was the music; less the image sold that put me off them a few years back.

The production on the new one is far more ambient and sonically layered. Judging from wiki it had the bloke from Portishead at the mixing desk, so that may be why.

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Be prepared to get bored of it quite quick tho. I too was also very enthusiastic about the album, seems onfluence by all the stuff I like best and thought it was pretty great for a while. Tho haven't listened to it in a while and thats seems to be quite common with a few people I know. Still a decent album mind and maybe I will get back into but really seems to lack any kind of staying power.

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Love the new album. The first album was always a kind of "guilty pleasure" of mine. Just not a fan of the randomly headbutting the keyboaard-sound they had going on.

But i agree this new album is everything White Lies should have been

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No, that's not what happened, so I'd say you've missed the mark Columbo...

I don't like that illogical 'dislike because it's in the popular music press' crap! :D

No. I listened to them a few years back when they were getting lots of press. At the time I didn't like what I heard. I went from mere indifference to dislike however due to all 'rock and roll lifestyle' attention seeking they went for (reported in/on numerous music publications/websites). They went from a rather bland sounding band, to a rather bland sounding band of cock rockers; never a good thing.

This album however agree with me musically (the production really helps it a lot) . I haven't listened to the other again (cause quite frankly I haven't had time). However, even if they did all the attention seeking stuff this time, I'd still enjoy the music. They'd be a rather good sounding band of cock rockers; not necessarily a bad thing.

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I don't think they were gimmicky, it was a combination of a few things that made them apear so.

1.) Their label made them seem gimmicky by promoting certain ideas about them, by marketing them in a certain way, the images they used, the PR etc - It's easier to sell records that way.(they never did that paint thing at any of the shows I saw - probably something exagerated by the label).

2.) They were going for a very specific look inspired by 60's cult acts - not many people do this these days so it gave many people the impression they were a gimmick band becuase they used these weird motifs, style, live shows etc

3.) They were all under 20 so they were anything but fully developed as a band and probably were trying out looks and ideas!

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Great, great album but I would seriously reccomend you go back and dig out the first lp. That was also a great album it just so happened they were on a major label that insisted on selling them as a group of trendy, cartoonish punks. It does have some filler but it honestly isn't too far removed from Primary Colours.
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I quite liked some of the songs off the first album, but ended up listening to 2nd and its much different and a lot better. I probably wouldn't have been bothered about seeing them this year but after listening to new album I definitely will.. Plus they're supporting Placebo in December so get to see them again.

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I got this album about a month ago and i was shocked of how good it was. The newer sound really suits them. Tracks like "New Ice Age" and especially "Sea Within a Sea" are brilliant.

Definatley one of the best albums of the year so far and worthy of a watch on the Friday in the NME tent. I reckon they'll go down a storm in there :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

What the f*ck has happened to the Horrors? I was on NIN website and Trent has been championing the band so I thought i would check out the new album, its fantastic, at a time when so many bands are taking a backwards step, Killers, Kaisers etc its nice to see a band take a massive step forward.

I was 100% seeing the Deftones but after hearing this its 50/50 now between them and the Horrors.

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