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michael jackson?

Guest robsadler

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i'm sure he did want the whole thing to be over but....COME ON!!!!

if you get accused of being a paedophile, and you are not, you should fight it tooth and nail all the way.

you should not settle out of court.

i know if i was accused i would clear my name even if it lasted years.

that's not to say he did or did not do anything. settling out of court may not be damning to him as a peadophile but it is certainly damning to his character and as a human being.


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how can you say for sure that you would fight it tooth and nail?

considering the complications involved and the possible strain it would place on someone, it's not criminal to just want the whole thing to be over quickly and take the easy way out, because essentially that's what it was. you and i don't have that sort of money, so i think it's naive for either of us to say for sure we would do one thing or another. i just don't really see it as much of a bad thing considering the way the press were hounding him about it.

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i completely 100% disagree. it is probably the only allegation that i would choose to fight all the way against. i know we can only imagine being in this situation and it must be absolutely horrendous if these allegations were unfounded but you owe it to yourself and your family to fight it.


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what mistakes?

as i have never been a fan, all i know about michael jackson are bits and bobs i read from various articles (some of which may be accurate, some of which absolute rubbish!).

this seems like a decent article, the journalist was at the original trials, it is a well respected newspaper etc. but like i said i am absolutely no expert!


Edited by thomasowen
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It's a lot better than the tabloid articles but has some stupid errors (statistics slightly out) and is wildly exagerated.

eg, the fact he says he was an entertainer from the age of 8 (how can you judge that - he started singing when he was 5), he says that Jackson altered his skin colour which has been proven to be not true (I'm not even sure it's possible to bleach your skin from black to white). and lines like this, which are either completely false or exagerated beyond belief...

'Practically everyone who ever met him ended up suing him'

'he surrounded himself with the very worst kind of people imaginable'

'he was broke but living at a $100,000-a-month mansion in Bel Air'

'...and had provided the Los Angeles police with a vivid description of the singer’s genitalia'

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i think we may as well accept that his fans will see no wrong or gloss over his flaws and the rest of us will see him as an odd character with a questionable interest in young boys.

the fans will scrupulously look at every fact to prove his innocence and the rest of us arnt interested enough to research it properly.

the bottom line is that the fans will stay fans and the rest wont change their stance and i cant see that changing.

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the article is written in a certain style and although it is better than anything i could write, it is far from being perfect.

from what i gather the jackson 5 started when MJ was 10, although this is quite irrelevant.

Edited by thomasowen
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They started when he was 5 had thier first single aged 10.

He has vitiligo - a rare condition but one that is known about and is not treatable. Basicly since childhood he has had large white patches on his skin but in his early 20's they became much more noticable. To begin with he used makeup to cover the white patches but over time it became easier to use make up to cover the dark patches. As I say I am no expert but I don't believe its possible to bleach your skin white.


Search google images for pictures of the condition, if you want to see others affected by it.

Yes, he denys plastic surgery which is mad considering. He claims to have had 3 but it's actualy closer to 20 (that are known of). His skin condition is not one of them though (this is also why you will often see him with an umbrella).

Yeah, true.

Again true, I just take issue with the way the writer has expressed it.

True. What is not true is that he was bankrupt or near to being. He owned 50% of the Beatles work for heavens sake (although this is an other murky area).

It's true that he gave a detailed description of a penis...just Not Michael's. Without going into too much gory details he said amongst other untruths that he had a circumsised penis when he didn't and gave an incorrect size. :huh:

I also take issue with these kkinds of fans and I don't count myself amongst them. I have never turned a blind eye to his flaws and weirdness, but I am a great fan of his music and I have researched a lot of his life. It greatly annoyed me during his trial when fans were calling him innocent without hearing the otherside just as much as much as it annoyed me people calling him guilty without evidence. During the trial I kept a very open mind, but afterwards, after looking at the evidence, it was clear he was innocent.

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One thing about when people ask why he would settle out of court if he didnt do it, I've always wondered exactly how much money it would take not to bring someone who touched up my kid to justice. I'm not sure £10 million would cut it for most people...

Either way, I hope we get a few MJ covers at Reading, only saw The Streets do Billie Jean at Glastonbury which was pretty ace. Also it would hopefully be a good reason for Fall Out Boy to retire their cover of Beat It...

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