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Taking food/drink?

Guest TheSeventhOne

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Yeah I'm taking Pot Noodles,Coffee and my mum might be taking some bacon to cook for breakfast. My parents are giving me a food allowance though, not that I intend to spend it on food :)

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Knock knock...

who's there?


Oh nice...ta...and only 9.15 in the morning!

I can go back to bed now! :ph34r:

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Just remember, whatever you take, you've got to carry.

So many of my friends, year after year, take a load of food with them. Not only do they spend hours huddling over a tiny camping cooker trying to warm up a tin of beans; but they also bitch and moan that they've brought too much stuff when walking to the camp site, and have to take regular rest stops.

Mean while, there's me, Rucksak on back and small tent in hand; striding nicely along with a spring in my step unladen wondering what's taking them so long. Than then muggins here has to help them out and carry some of their stuff for having the foresight to travel light.

At the end of the day, there are plenty of ways to eat cheaply at Glastonbury. There's some great but reasonably priced places up in the green fields; and the secret garden selling homegrown pakoras and the Hari Chrisna's both serve great cheap food. You can certainly eat well and varied on a budget at Glastonbury, and in my opinion, there's no need to take much more than your alcohol and a packet of biscuits.

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And all the unused food stuffs gets left behind as rubbish too...

LOVE THE FARM, LEAVE NO TRACE...buy your lunch at La Grande Bouffe! :ph34r:

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Its all about going down the Coronation tap in Clifton and getting stocked up on Exhibition cider. Really, every other drink will become insignificant after that :ph34r:

Apart from that

Cereal Bars


Cheese Balls

Energy Bars

Are what I take in the form of food

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In my opinion, food is optional (depending on how much cash you can afford to spend), alcohol is a must.

We usually take stuff to have for breakfast for the first few days (usually bacon or sausages and rolls) and a selection of snack foods to keep you going. Also handy for when the munchies hit you late at night!

Alcohol wise, we usually take a box of wine, some cans of beer and some pre-prepared vodka mixes in plastic bottles. We do usually buy alcohol on site as well, but the prices mean if you just buy from the bars you'll spend a small fortune. Glastonbury is one of the few festivals where you can take alcohol virtually everywhere - bringing your own will save you money and enhance your festival experience. Nothing like sat up at the stone circle late at night with a couple of glasses of wine :lol:

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wer takeing 4 crates, a box of wine couple of big bottles of strongbow, and a couple of bottles of vodka (which we will pput in to plastic bottles)

food wise takeing loads of crisps, pot noodles and snack bars should keep as going as I dont seem to eat much at glastonbury :lol:

Edited by luus
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Its all about going down the Coronation tap in Clifton and getting stocked up on Exhibition cider. Really, every other drink will become insignificant after that :lol:

Apart from that

Cereal Bars


Cheese Balls

Energy Bars

Are what I take in the form of food

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the coronation tap,now thats a name from the past lol,,used to drink there all the time in my younger days, :)

bristol girl through and through here :)

as for food im just taking cereal bars for the morning,,,gonna eat on site,,leaves more room for booze in my gear then :D

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Did our shop last night:

2 crates of beer

1 small crate of cider

2 boxes of wine


soft cheese!!!!

crisps crisps crisps!!


fondant fancies

That was about it - healthy lot us!!

Bagels & cheese for brekkie

drinks for drinking :lol:

munchies for late night snacks.

We never bring stuff to cook - the food at Glasto is soooo good - always have lunch/dinner there. Dont bother cooking yourselves - as the weather is going to be fab, nothing will keep for too long anyway, and its not always good for surrounding neighbours when they wake up with hangover from hell and the whiff of food sends them running!

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It's all about the wine boxes for our camp. Wine boxes, clix coffee, super noodles, savory rice, oreos... that sort of garb. We're not planning on eating much at camp - want to sample as much food on site as possible. :lol:

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I normally take a few bits and bobs but still end up eating and drinking loads of the amazing stuff on site. I'm a vegan, so Glastonbury is pretty much food heaven for me, and it's going to be my holiday this year so I feel a bit more justified in spending my hard earned cash on some good grub and cider. The boxes of wine are brilliant, especially the red ones as they don't taste as awful when they've been in your sauna tent for a few days. You can blow the bag up and use it as a pillow afterwards too! A bottle of spirit goes down quite nicely along with a slab of beer to start work on during the long walk from the car park to the camp site. Those packets of instant cous cous and a loaf of bread with some peanut butter or jam keep well and are good for snacks. If you can afford it though, it's really worth trying as many of the delights from around the site as possibe. I probably wouldn't have a very varied diet these days if I hadn't tried things first at Glastonbury!


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Other than cheese, I just have snacky/breakfasty related items, some flapjacks, soreen, bags of crisps that kind of thing, so that I have late night in tent snackys/breakfast/little bits to carry around in my bag just in case.

Oh and of course 24 cans of assorted cider and a litre of port!

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My kind of girl!!

I may bring a bottle (although it will have to be in a plastic bottle) of amaretto to get people to play DR pepper with me at the efests meet. Always goes down well :lol:

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