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Pushing to the front

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Dont see the issue??

If you're stood about 50 metres back from the front of the pyramid stage and I want to be at the front, and I politely "excuse" my way past you, whats the problem?

You need to accept there is space in front of you and people may prefer to be there than where you are and the only way to get there is to move past you because you've chosen not to stand as close.

Must I just stop miles away from the stage for fear of upsetting someones little feelings? No.

I'll be on the barrier for the headliners I want to see, I'd never barge and would only be polite, I'm not staggeringly tall either so shouldn't impede anyones view. So... whats the problem?

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you could accept, as an act of fairness, that you can't get as close as you'd like if you turn up at the last minute... no? You have the luxury of being able to see above everyone else's heads

you tell me what I'm supposed to do when someone stands in front of me, blocking my view that I might have put some effort in to getting?

"oh, I'm sorry, I can't help being tall"

well I can't help not being tall, so I get there a bit earlier

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this happened to me at SFG in brixton.

tramp came late (moments b4 they came on stage at 9.30) and was drunk and she had a knob with her too, altho he was tall enuff so was able to see anyway.

This tramp asked sum girl next to me (we were 2nd row centre) to 'move up' but it was already squashed and she couldnt move anywhere. so the girl started to chat about her callin her a 'fattie' and other 'fat' terms. the girl was like no older than 16 and was with like 4 other chicks. so she tried to get me to move over and I told her NO as there was no room, but this girl was insistent on getting to the front!

so an older woman next to me told her there was no room anywhere so she retreated to her spot but decided to 'get me back' for point plank sayin NO by screaming in my ear throughout the gig and kneeing me prending to dance then started sayin my hair was 'in my mouth' so i kept turning round to her and pushing her back but she didnt care. she was totally hysterical and OTT with nowhere to go!!!!!

and she started to get louder with her 'whooooooooooo' and kept doin it right in my ear. she did it throughout the whoooooooooooooole gig. she also kept goin on about the younger girls weight next to me aswell. but she just kept talking coz she wasnt @ the front. ut any1 knows that wherever u stand on the lower @ brixton u can see clearly as the floor is raised. and this girl wasnt even short she was like 5'9 so clearly could see from 3rd row.

she left like 2nd to last song when she thought they had 'finished'. everyone around was like 'thank god!!!!'.

she was either high or just real drunk. and this girl was beautiful!!!!!! absolutely stunning, but her attitude was VILE and ugly.

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There are plenty of times when I am near the front of a stage and there is more space there than there is further back, if people did not make there way through the crowds then this space would be wasted.

I am 6ft 7 and always very conscious that my height is blocking the view of others behind me. If I go to a gig I will stand on one side of the stage to limit the number of people that I block and make sure I get to my standing position well before an act has started normally watching the support acts.

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im 6ft 4 and i love being at the front at gigs, unfortunately people who accuse me of being a selfish bastard for having the cheek to stand in front of them sometime fail to realise i dont have eyes in the back of my head and if they simply asked me to move or swop places i would happily do so, but as soon as i hear them moaning about me i think f**k it if they cant be polite enough to ask me to move in the 1st place they can stay were they are

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Have you ever thought that perhaps your not very nice ?

There is no queuing system when watching a band dude. You would enjoy your festival experience a lot more if you changed your attitude towards such people. If you could embrace and accept them you would end up having a great time and you would not feel the need for such moaning and whinging.

You need to chill out. Where's your Glasto spirit ?

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im 6'4".... it's not my fault...i cant help being tall....blame my parents. i want to watch the gig just the same as short people and i have to stand somewhere. when your at a festival it's not always practical to get to a certain stage an hour early to watch a band, you may have trudged your way from watching a band on the avalon to the pyramid and not have had the time. i am always polite when i try and make my way to the front...sometimes even having conversations and making 5 minutes friends on the way. people barging through does piss me off though, there is no need for it... i find as long as you're polite most people are fine.

all these short people who complain about tall peeps at gigs.... do you complain when your on a plane?? or a sit down gig?... when you can sit there swinging your legs and we are wedged in so tight i have bruises on my legs from the arms of the seats?... swings and roundabouts... :lol:

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I'm quite deaf and very short, and find I can see and hear much better if I stay back a bit. If someone very tall comes to stand right in front I'll normally tap them on the shoulder and ask them to move over... they normally do if they're asked nicely!
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I don't mind it if people want to go past me and further to the front at a gig as long as they are polite. I have often done it myself, I always say excuse me, smile and nod my head and this seems to work.

Have only ever had one problem at the Leeds fest one year, I tried to get past a family (mum, dad, teenagers) closer to the front where I could see there was space. They begrudgingly let me past (I wasn't going to be standing infront of them anyway) and then they moaned - I saw them do this to other people who got past also. I heard someone say to them 'It's a crowd, not a queue' which soon made them shut up!

I don't mind tall people at gigs, I always manage to see - on tip toes or leaning a different way, I have to admit though I have been annoyed with folk on shoulders at times - although now I just move elsewhere.

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I dont know what it is but I seem to attract the most anoying person in the crowd no matter what....the good lady wife is now convinced that it is me. They are either drunk, 8 foot tall, screamers or just out for a fight.....and I am sure there are many who go to concerts just to have a dust up.Its a shame but people nowadays just tend to go to gigs whether they like the band or not.....and then spend all night shouting abuse....usually in my ear.

I have now taken to standing at the back with the ability to move sideways in a crablike fashion...... and with a pair of micro binnocs for that sense of up front realism.

At an outdoor concert a few years back....on a very hilly site....I got into an altercation with a rather drunk fellow ( one of those types who gets all snarly and scrunchy eyed) who was trying to dance the dance of a mad manc in a space the size of a postage stamp thereby hitting everybody and just generally being rather nasty ( his awful partner/wife/pitbull lurched around pathetically by his side). After he had squared up to me twice I had finally had my fill and when his back was turned kicked him in the back of his knee.... a huge cheer went up ( a true moment of glory) as he dissappeared down the hill unable to stand in his drunken stupour and (hopefully) severe pain....his female companion left gobsmacked as he finally appeared many hundred feet away only to be pounced on by security and dragged away.

Happy days.


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what annoys me is when punters pretend they're just passing through, so you sort of lean to one side, or push back into the person behind you just to let them pass, then they just stay there... and you've now got barely enough space to move your feet
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There's only question here. If everyone in the crowd behaved as yu did, would it be brilliant or pants?

If everyone decided that they were gonna push to the front no matter who they had to barge (and some people on this thread whoclearly take that approach) the gig would be shit. That's an Oasis gig for you, tbh.

If everyone decided they were gonna do their best to get to the front by asking and being polite everything would be fine. I ultimately really do think this is the only way to get a crowd working together and loving each other, which is to say that they people who arrive early stand where they want and the late-comers have no choice but to fill in the space as and when they can. There's big problems (such as what do you do when you want a piss?) but I can see no other way.

My friends and I, when there's absolutely no space in front of us, will link arms so no-one can get past.

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This thread is just a big whinge and sounds miserable and middle aged.

People all have their own ways of enjoying a festival, some are more 'enthusiastic' than others......everyone gets bumped into but that's life. There's no malicous intent.

Besides, which is more "annoying": somebody who is enjoying themselves bump into you OR some t1t at the front blocking 100s of people's view with a flag!?

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Like other people have said - if everyone acted this way, everyone would be miserable. If the people who get pushed out of the way pushed back in front, then it could go on for the duration of the set and no one would get to enjoy it.

If you want to be near the front, get there early. If you can't get there early, you can still hear from the back and going to the next stage, toilets, bar or food is much easier from there.

Edited by Ed209
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