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SheWee Training

Guest punkincowcat

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I used one of the cardboard canoe type she pees from the water aid toilets last year. My sister and I had stage fright to begin with, but then laughed so much that we could hold on no longer. The operation was a success - no leakage!

I have just bought bright pink plastic ones for myself, my sister and my 15 year old niece.

I tried mine out with jeans on - successfully with no problems.

Niece tried hers - not so successul!

I must keep trying it over the next couple of weeks to make sure I am well rehearsed!!


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I'm so tempted to buy one of these now. Never been to a festival before, but my aunt's got me in free provided I do a few hours stewarding. I've only heard baddd things about the loos, and I've got no idea where I'm camping or where the nearest loos are...

The SheWee is sounding wonderful now. Ahaha

Where can I buy them?!

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I bought mine from my local camping store TISO for ÂŁ6. I've not practiced for a quite a while now and I doubt I will really use it at glasto anyway, I just thought it would be handy for when I couldnt be bothered to move from my tent!! and I doubt I will even do that.. would be gutted to use it and then get pee on my jeans!! we'll see though. TWO WEEKS :blink:

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I love this thread :D

I'm going to get one next week. Firstly, for tent use, and secondly, so one day (I doubt it will happen this year :rolleyes:) I can finally reach equality with the male species and pee in a bottle when I've found an ace spot in the crowd :D

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Just be careful girls ..... I'm not sure how I managed it (maybe the mushrooms beforehand severely hampered my coordination), but I managed the most spectacularly disastrous peeing incident last year. I was trying to use a she pee with a bottle in my tent and somehow manged to spray it everywhere and once it started I couldn't stop. It was much to the amusement of my mates who were sat outside by the campfire, listening to the splashing and screaming noises :)

This year I shall be refraining from extreme p***ing activities ;);):)

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