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Everything posted by clarkete

  1. clarkete

    In Memoriam

    Great picture and also jealous you got to see Lone Justice.
  2. clarkete


    I've been wearing one of my many fleeces for the last three months and can't think of more than 2 strangers who recently mentioned it - one person who spotted one from the year he was born. The other an older fella who tapped me on the arm as he spotted manics amongst the bands and told me he inherited loads of their vinyl from his late son. I found both encounters pretty sweet. I've got some t shirts over twenty years old that have been worn tons still going strong, far more than any other branded or tour t shirt I bought.
  3. clarkete


    By my rough count that's 77 names on the fleece?
  4. clarkete


    Hey I don't come here to be fair! I can't get out my 2016 stuff, the dog is sat on my lap
  5. And the Other was pretty blooming muddy too
  6. Yeah, screw those guys 😡
  7. clarkete

    2024 Headliners

    Think pretty much all those have been ruled out for a variety of reasons
  8. clarkete


    One name that was the third one down and is out of I think 62 listed? I can't tell if you're intending to out yourself as this narrow minded or being satirical? 🤔 (and I don't claim to be a fan of theirs)
  9. Google lying? (I've certainly been caught out by that myself)
  10. Popcorn out for the reform vs tory fight then. Which side will farage choose?
  11. Happy Birthday 🎂🎁
  12. He played the flute? Is this him revealing that he's a Jethro Tull fan?
  13. clarkete

    2024 Headliners

    Isn't it better to give someone a lift and feature a new headliner than have an act who's played before and may do a largely similar set?
  14. clarkete

    2024 Headliners

    The reserves that ensure the future of the festival? Is this your cunning plan?
  15. What's @Gnomicide's guess?
  16. There's quite a lot in the link on the previous page “it comes down to two questions: do you want the Conservatives or Labour to run the country, and who do you think has the best plan for the future. “The truth of the matter is you’ve seen another tax cut in the Budget, while Labour are coming forward with more spending plans that will mean more taxes. “We’ll also have got the Rwanda bill through, so that is where our strategic advantage lies – despite what the polls say.” https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/why-labour-tories-believe-general-election-may_uk_65eaff66e4b026052a535b1c
  17. clarkete

    2024 Headliners

    Good tips and seems accurate. This is the site they linked to and I struggle to see any mention of things that aren't sport (especially footie) bets https://betideas.com/
  18. Great tip. I'll have to see if I can get @Kim Wrong-Unto add it to his map 😊 (not that he has any reason to do my bidding tbh)
  19. I'm very much not someone who uses the caravan for cooking and washing up, but good to know that's an option, even if I'm a bit far in E25.
  20. Their grub looks nice and a step up from the bacon butties or chips that many competitors offer in the CV fields
  21. It's very popular amongst many of the posters here. Last couple of years it's been opposite Leftfield and very popular with Billy Bragg. https://www.gravyandcustard.co.uk/crumbleshack BTW for me the revelation was that they keep the toppings separate from the fruit. So firstly they can cater for a variety of combinations throughout the day and until late at night, but also whenever you get it the topping is always lovely and crisp.
  22. Working at the weekend? Crazy talk
  23. clarkete

    2024 Headliners

    Not according to the bookies that the scum have been talking to
  24. clarkete

    2024 Headliners

    My mum has been to the festival a couple of times about 40 years ago and tbh I'd have been surprised if she knew the headliners then. If she knew them all now I'd be a bit worried about their contemporary tag. I'm genuinely delighted she still remembers who we are 😳
  25. clarkete


    https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/reviews/the-cure-glastonbury-review-robert-smith-setlist-watch-bbc-pyramid-stage-a8981981.html https://www.nme.com/reviews/the-cure-glastonbury-2019-review-setlist-watch-2520137 https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/music/glastonbury-2019-review-a4179146.html https://louderthanwar.com/10-reasons-why-the-cure-glastonbury-20129/
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