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About Steveb72

  • Birthday 02/05/1972

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  1. Steveb72


    There seemed to be a few police hanging around Gate A on Sunday morning, which I hadn’t seen on previous mornings so don’t know of something had happened.
  2. https://www.nme.com/news/music/the-man-whose-coldplay-pyramid-stage-hat-was-sung-about-by-chris-martin-during-glastonbury-set-speaks-out-on-mind-blowing-experience-3771392?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3JFEehI6OqrS3rakAm48SU3jFnlDISgfgH8Vs3BjG4-EZ79URULpV_ORo_aem_TmEaPVhY9l-hpYbzF-YG-Q#ly4j20owc4welzifilg it gets a mention in NME, great to see you on Sunday at the farm as well Alex.
  3. Steveb72

    Car Stolen

    Sorry to hear this, hope you can get in touch with the people affected.
  4. Probably between Idles and Bob Vylan for me.
  5. Got my return time through now 2pm on the Monday back to Liverpool.
  6. 8am from Liverpool on the Thursday mine, no return time on it though so will have to get in touch with seetickets.
  7. Steveb72

    New Map

    Same we normally camp by there.
  8. Sadly won’t be able to make it this year as we aren’t arriving till Thursday.
  9. https://www.outdoormegastore.co.uk/vango-pop-300dlx-pop-up-tent.html we’ve used this one the last couple of Glastonbury’s.
  10. All paid, see you all in June 👍
  11. Mines just come through and it will be getting paid on Monday. Time to start getting excited.
  12. Received my new rucksack for carrying my beers and other essentials about during the day.
  13. Good luck with setting it up and getting new members.
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