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SloopJohnB last won the day on July 4 2014

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  1. I hope everyone got off the fields ok….I left Emperors last night, got stuck and thankfully had to friends with me to give me a push…..no sign of anyone pulling people off 😡
  2. It’s been dry for the last 3 days so will be better than expected I think….showers heading in from tonight
  3. I live about 5 miles from site….it’s been raining pretty constantly for days….more rain forecast leading up to and throughout the festival….it’s cold at night….bring wellies, waterproofs and warm clothes….it’s gonna be grim!
  4. They usually tell you to take them down in the first day….they’re more relaxed after that
  5. Oh my god the weather is shocking in Penrith at the moment….it’s been pissing down on and off for a few days and tbe long range forecast doesn’t look to be changing much for the festival 😡
  6. You’d be gutted with that wouldn’t you 😂
  7. SloopJohnB

    Beer Prices

    Sorry if this has been asked…..can you pay contactless at the bars? I can’t remember 🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. SloopJohnB

    The churnups

    It’s got to be Foo Fighter…..and if not, then EE will have to confirm they are not playing soon as things are already escalating into a frenzy 😂
  9. They’ll be there…..I’m pretty sure they tweeted “somewhere in a field in Somerset” recently….hope it’s a Pyramid slot as the secret set they did a few years ago on the Park was rammed
  10. Yes….the whole site changed last year. The Glow / Parklands stage (still a tent) is where the main stage used to be, and the main stage moved to where the entrance from general camping used to be. The site was much smaller as the area where the Glow Tent used to be wasn’t used last year
  11. Email just arrived….aannndddd relax
  12. I’ve not had my email….the rest of my group all have theirs 😳
  13. There’s an article on the BBC Cumbria website that says “Hardwicke Circus will be playing Glastonbury after attracting the attention of Paul McCartney”. They played last year under the same description though so it might just be a copy and paste from a previous press release. Here’s the article: What does being Cumbrian mean in 2023? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-64901237
  14. Got to be a nailed on secret set
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