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Everything posted by moogster

  1. I am guilty of scoffing at facebook/reddit/etc comments like that. "Amateurs..." And no I am not proud of it.
  2. Any excuse to move (and to procrastinate work, for me) is a good one. I offered to bring some parcels to the post this morning just because of that.
  3. Just went for my next couch to 5 k run, and neighbour asked me "trying to lose the Xmas kilos". And what do you mean exactly by that sir ?🤨 (3.9 kms but with shorter and shorter breaks, getting there!)
  4. Starting it up right now... Is that Coldplay? That IS a weird one. And thanks for the Margo Price heads up, that's next after B&S.
  5. I am trying not to read Last of Us posts as I haven't watched it yet. Looks promising though! Yesterday was Happy Valley day and I have to think it was funny how I thought how British cops were brave to go and do a big arrest without armed support... until almost retired Super Robocop Sergeant Cawood tackled and punched that young lad like a 6 nation champ 😁. Go Catherine ! Go Catherine!
  6. Got on the scale this morning and no change in weight in the past couple of weeks. BUT with the running I did I feel leaner/tighter, some of the muscles that were hurting at first don't hurt anymore and my resting heart rate has progressively gone down. This tells me I've been building good muscle and fitness overall.
  7. Oh wow i am just wondering if the people who think the 69 moon landing was a fake take the TV show as a proof it can be done. Slightly tempted to go and do some dark and scary internet browsing.
  8. More deepfakes coming your way. I thought s3 was better than 2 so keep going indeed (can't say much without spoiling). Haven't done so for a while but picked up on my rewatch of Veep. Hilarious episode about a silicon valley visit and oh, a bad deepfake! I am curious about The last of us. I don't know the game but am always in for some post apocalyptic drama!
  9. Woohoo! Now I' m going to head to reddit to see what the fan theories are based on the trailer 😛 I finished For all mankind. I liked season 3 a bit more than 2. It's really on a very fine line of being too soapy but still, they do make you care about the characters (except for Danny). I am a bit sad to see the original cast slowly leave. Started season 2 of Slow Horses and I feel like jotting down the best lines of Jackson Lamb for future use 🙂
  10. I have to say I'm quite impressed by the amount of people coming by public transport! Hopefully more to come if possible. It's amazing to see the level of detail at which some things are thought about. A thing of beauty. I noticed in the list of consulted neighbours that worthy farm is on the list 🙂 " so Mr Eavis, do you thing, as a neighbour, we should grant this licence? "
  11. Maybe some kind of water aerobics? For me the people noticing has always been bitter sweet. I remember losing about 15% of my weight a while ago and when being randomly congratulated about it, I just kept thinking "so do you think I am not right with 15% more"? If those people saw me a few years later will they say " wow you put on weight"? I know it's well meant but I mostly care about being healthy and feeling right. And yes it includes a couple of vain points. Maybe being a woman it's slightly different, although men are dangerously getting the same " looks" pressure these days...
  12. It looks like a "with xxx actor" at the end of a movie or series title. Not a headliner but gets a special mention.
  13. Ummm isn't that a bit too low proportionally to the amount of exercise you had?
  14. oooh and hey keep adding documents! Maybe we can track this like the "Announcenent" thread. Can't wait to see what the land drainage engineer has to say 🙂
  15. Well there are some nice pictures of the giant poop tanks in one of these! The Big Long Drop Daddies!
  16. Hey you are about at the same level than I am! My very best (logging for the past two weeks) is at 3.6 km in 24 mn. Now that's a competition I can do with you 🙂! Steps are going to be shit today. COnstant rain and I have to go visit people tonight...
  17. Well bunch of artists I never heard of, which doesn't matter because I can't have heard about everyone and the music world is quite large, artists I have heard from but never listened too: I actually gave today a few more streams to Bad Bunny, which sounded OK except for the autotune and has an interesting Wiki page. And enough artists I would go and see and fill my day with because I am an old stuck-in-the-90s person. So seems like a good line up. And I confess I had a cheer reading that Bjork had a festival show in the pipeline. Best of or not, her shows are just magic.
  18. 😥 I miss them too. Haven't found something as good so far.
  19. That looks intense 😮. I sort of feel like making a joke about the gay scene but I just went out to up my step count (yes I am at 9.5 K @gigpusher and @Alvoram, keep up) so my brain is not getting enough blood to properly word it.
  20. From what I understand cardio is good, but as we (ahum...) age, muscle mass takes a big hit as well, and especially for women, weight training helps with keeping our bones strong when the lady hormones start to fade away...
  21. I have to say where I live the crowds tend to mix up quite a bit, the muscle crowd knows a bit of cardio is good and the cardio folks have understood the value of muscle mass . Both can have a nice sit on a machine doing nothing while catching up with a gym buddy though. THAT is annoying. I myself have not renewed my membership in January though so I should stop being so judgy and know it all 😛 .
  22. I think the macho muscle dudes may be more respectful than the ladies trying to watch 3 reruns of My Favourite Bride Dress or something like that while vaguely cycling...
  23. Haha same indeed! Just had a small competition with colleagues on how much we could roll around the office without getting up. Not good for thr step count.
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