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Everything posted by sisco

  1. All the other festivals last yeah say that’s not happening. Hope you make it to those fields Neil
  2. I’m still going for Sam Fender plus either Foals or Kings of Leon (probably more hopeful than anything but hey Ho). I think Anne Marie might get a high spot somewhere and also Tom Meighan the former frontman of Kasabian has said he’s playing festivals and with Kasabian being at IOW I’d guess he could be at this one.
  3. Looking at this I’m keeping my fingers crossed we hear something in the next couple of weeks. Also the likes of Truck and Tramlines have teased announcements so maybe we’re in luck
  4. Talking of the poster, I’d imagine we’re within about 40 days of having it!!! That’s so bloody exciting
  5. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    Might be able to find out if they’re there actually. Shall ask
  6. Randomly saw it (the song) at Disney World when they played!
  7. I’d love Wolf Alice to headline vs Billie but the info Neil received was both QOTSA and Billie Friday night
  8. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    Billie vs QOTSA Calvin vs Macca PSB vs Kendrick
  9. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    So what do we actually know Headers - Billie for certain and then only Neil’s info for Macca and Kendrick (literally nothing else linking them to it) Subs - well we didn’t know all 3 last time and with Lana looking unlikely it seems that only Noel is fairly certain Special Guests/Legend - Aerosmith and Di Ro seem certain Other - QOTSA (Neil’s info alongside hearing about Billie) and PSB certainly seem like 2 of them. 3rd could be Dua still or maybe Fatboy has moved to Saturday and opposite Macca?
  10. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    And IOW are stronger than most recent years. Add in all the mid tier festivals with the likes of Kasabian, Sam Fender etc…
  11. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    Not sure that’s true for U.K. festivals so far. I’d argue as strong if not stronger here
  12. Another reason why Glastonbury will happen
  13. Yeah fully agree and I think knowing that festivals happened last year when things were much worse will give that confidence. I do thing the lineup might take a little hit due to travel and touring but we’d all accept that
  14. So with the news about LFT’s surely we’re at the normal 99% with the usual 1% caveat for flooding and the world exploding
  15. There is absolutely no reason why it shouldn’t be happening. Boris didn’t lock us down or add restrictions over the worst period, festivals happened last year and yes I know the build is earlier but we’re currently allowing 70,000 football fans to enter stadiums. We’re all good…. See you in the fields
  16. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    I’m listening to Loud Places on my dog walk and just decided to scroll through Twitter. Whoever is Glastobation Has just posted it too. Im taking this as a sign and saying that The XX should headline next year
  17. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    I do wonder if we’ll get a lot more last min pull outs this time.
  18. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    Are you talking about The Strokes @Matt42
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