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Everything posted by sisco

  1. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    Crazy to think we should have the poster in 6/7 weeks!!
  2. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    Don’t Think they could do The Park or WH?!
  3. @JBarbour any clues to work out. I’m so bored!
  4. Yeah that makes much more sense. Cheers, just couldn’t get my head around it
  5. What i don’t get is there are no restrictions, football crowds of 60k are going ahead so why can’t a gig?! I appreciate that it’s down to the band to decide how much of a conscious they have I guess
  6. Yep that’s exactly what I’m saying clearly…. Best stop everything just in case I suppose, I apologise. And as has been mentioned above, yep it’s not a Covid thread so I’ll be quiet now.
  7. We don’t test daily for every other thing, so nothing at all…. I also think what should happen is NHS staff be staffed correctly, be paid what they deserve, have their well-being looked after. They’ve always been criminally understaffed and underpaid. One of my friends and mum work there so I get what’s going on!
  8. Yet we don’t test for the flu every 5 mins just incase we pass it on! It will never ever pass if we continue to test, you’ll always find something if you look for it. May as well test for every disease known to man just in case…. And yes I know this will go down badly but I’m fed up with life stopping over and over. If we can’t open up now with 3 jabs each when do we?! 4, 5, 6 or 7? Pick a number
  9. Bands May as well write off mid December to Feb just in case!
  10. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    Because he’s not that popular anymore. You only have to look at his ticket sales
  11. And our tickets are booked! Roll on august (and some acts I actually like 😂)
  12. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    Dizzee headlined WH a couple of festivals back so he certainly won’t be doing it
  13. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    What I don’t get is why would anyone care in the slightest either way?
  14. sisco

    2022 Headliners

    Glastonbury doesn’t do exclusives
  15. Sam Fender is supporting the Killers on their tour. (Which I’ll be seeing) He’ll be headlining Victorious if he headlines it (looks like he will be based on who Victorious share acts with) The Killers sadly will be nowhere near Victorious
  16. Personally don’t mind him but he’ll actually be the support act for The Killers so yeah…. Not the best for me. Hoping for a Foals/Biffy surprise as the 3rd
  17. Pretty sure 1 of them is Sam Fender
  18. Don’t know for certain but I’m sure they went up about £5-£10 each ticket last year. Shall be booking ours this week to
  19. I’d be surprised as they didn’t do it too long ago. That said, the 3rd headliner does seem a bit of a mystery at the moment so could be anyone
  20. Agreed, there’ll be the need for a COVID pass or negative test (probably the paid for one)
  21. I’d hope they and others have learned from last year. Festivals ran later in the summer and no reason why they can’t this year. Understandable that there are worries about taking risks but I really don’t see any reason why it won’t happen
  22. Think it’ll be a DJ one on Pangea myself.
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