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Matt - Ed Banger Records

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Matt - Ed Banger Records last won the day on March 25 2015

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About Matt - Ed Banger Records

  • Birthday 09/12/1984

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  1. If you're looking for a premium option, you can't go much wrong with Le Grappin - https://store.legrappin.com/Bagnums-c32151159
  2. No big surprise, but Oneman just said he's got 3 sets lined up for Glastonbury "so far"
  3. Depends when in the summer, Junction 2, Waterworks, Wide Awake and GALA are all decent festivals.
  4. This will likely be the same place as last year no? Burgess Park if memory serves me correctly
  5. Did anyone here go to Drumsheds this weekend? Any first impressions? Looked like nightmare to get in and apparently absolutely roasting inside. Going to the Bugged Out night in a couple of weeks so hoping the teething issues are sorted before then.
  6. Seen a load of videos of The Strokes from yesterday and they sound comically bad, band are relatively tight by Julian is just all over the gaff, absolutely woeful.
  7. Well they've got a site up that way already haven't they? Possibly relaunching that.
  8. They've relaunched the outdoors event space recently haven't they? Would guess it will be a new venue if anything, or maybe they've miraculously sorted things out at Printworks and will be opening again for another season.
  9. My mate went to the "secret" Skreamzim rave thing, it was through a door by one of the other stages in Shangri-La apparently, massive queue so you couldn't miss it (his words, I wasn't there) think he queued for about 30 mins, spent an hour in there (it was a long thin room, looked like the inside of a few shipping containers) he said it was rammed and hot and nobody had painted their faces (he had)
  10. I'm sure The Who's return was a last minute thing if memory serves me correctly? But yeah, I think if some of these bigger bands were ever happy to take the step down the line up, or over to the Other stage then why not. Muse felt a bit of a naff novelty in 2016 when they played, and don't think any of their recent output has changed that. I guess there's not too many bands that can fill stadiums these days, so probably can't discount too many bands really.
  11. You would think for Muse to headline again they would need to have a big new album, and I don't think people care enough about them now for that to happen.
  12. Let's be honest though, they could have come out and smashed it and they would have still got pelters on here.
  13. Possibly, all I know is that Elton has been rehearsing Lose Yourself in preparation for his show on Sunday.
  14. Eminem is going to be one of his guests according to something I was told today
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