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Guest bruciebonus

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WOOOOPS!!!!!! I had a whizz-pee without leakage!! Not even an after dribble! Perhaps my muff isn't that big after all :) Next step, clothes ;)

Travel Johns are in my Top 5 of things to take! Fantastic for peeing in, very easy, as ladies we really can't miss and they don't smell, the crystals inside turn to a gel once you pee. They are biodegradable and no spillage! Great for peeing in your tent !
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i have a question for whizz users ....

do you:

a) open your fly and poke your whizz thru like the guy do with their willies

:D pull your pants/ combats down

i ask because i wear hipster pants and the fly is really short, and i just cant get it to work when poking it thru :D

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i have a question for whizz users ....

do you:

a) open your fly and poke your whizz thru like the guy do with their willies

:D pull your pants/ combats down

i ask because i wear hipster pants and the fly is really short, and i just cant get it to work when poking it thru :lol:

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My GF just tried out her new Whizzaway, and although I do not know, or want to know, the full details it seems to be a successful purchase!!

Now we can both use the He-Pees together (I'm slightly disturbed after writing that!) :D

Here's to happy pissing for all!!!!! :D

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Hello everyone, new first time poster here!

I bought my plastic re-usable, lives forever, she wee from the she wee site last week. I also bought an extension tube that you can shove on the end, as I think she wee's have a slightly short....ummmm....end! Fab idea if you have bulky clothing on too, ie ponchos, thick woolly or sweater type tops etc. Or even if you want to have fun writing your name in the snow or up a wall(Not to use up a fence or tree at Glasto though because it pollutes the river and kills the lovely ickle fishes)later, fab also for girlie nights out and you get caught short not just for the festivals. :blink: I also got a 2 pack of those blue she wee pouches(On she wee site and Amazon both do next day delivery too for those of you who buy last minute) that you can pee in using your she wee or purple whizz thingy. You just open them up and pee in to the middle of the pouch and the gel type stuff in it absorbs it all(Can take up to 400ml). It even has a sticky bit you take the tape off to seal it when your done. You can use it at night in your tent if the toilets are a real mission away, which they usually are unless you like the smell of 'au da toilet au naturale'!!!. Then just chuck it in the correct bin in the morning. Fab! I'm currently practising with mine and doing really well, so long as you get used to positioning it right and lean forward just slightly no drips at all. The shee wee/pee is small and fits in my bag easily, and came with a little bag to put it in afterwards too. So off to Glasto I go with my she wee, two 'in the tent' pee pouches, and my extendible plastic type penis! :huh:

PS. Ladies wear a size bigger than you need boxer shorts, more room inside than knickers and you should not need to pull your combats, jeans whatever that far down at all. It works I promise you.

Edited by FoxxyLady
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And it was all starting to go so well :blink:

I tried an early morning/not quite awake yet pee this morning, thought it was successful, but turns out I peed all over the floor aswell as in the loo :huh:

I'll bring it with me, but I'm not so sure I'll use it :lol: I will def. go for a she-pee try while there, but I might use their box ones instead, they sound much more reliable.

Herrhumph :O

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The last couple of times I've used the whiz has been a disaster! Luckily I've been at home hovering over the loo so the jeans are always down quick as a flash before it gets messy. This won't be an option at a busy urinal in a field .... :blink: I think I'll just stick to using it in my tent (with a bottle), and brave the long drops during the day ....

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Don't lose hope yet !!

I think I have managed to perfect the technique and can even manage it with my knickers on :lol:

It's all about the angle that you hold it to your bits, you need to make sure that the back (smaller narrower end) is pointing up wards at the back and that you are holding the back to create a seal. I'm going to try and explain it step by step, but am a quite stoned, so it might be a bit of a convoluted explanation .....

1. If wearing trousers, lower them around your knees (unless they're really baggy, they'll prevent you getting the all important angle)

2. Pop some folded loo roll in your knickers (I wouldn't advise trying this with a G String :blink: )

3. Pull knickers to one side and position whizz - the spout should be pointing down at a 45 degree angle (midway between horizontal and vertical - any more horizontal than this and it'll overflow at the back). Make sure you are holding the back to create the all important seal.

4. Wee away confident(ish)ly

5. Remove whizz and hopefully loo roll will catch any drips

I wish I had a piccy to show the angle, but i look at it side on, it should be a Y shape rather than an L shape ... I'm beginning to ramble now .....

Give it ago anyway and see if it helps :huh:

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