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carl callands guide to weston park for beginners

Guest unfinished_monkey_business

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They do give them away for free (sim cards) but they dont have credit on and u need credit to send the text to the number to get the free stuff.

I did it last year and it was ace! I got two free drinks a day and its not just pints its any drink of ur choice cuz u just get free beer tokens, the vip area was good aswel u get a cash bar, the toilets are loads nicer and i got to meet loads of the bands who played in the union tent!

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i think the virgin sim card thing is really good. last year q'd for 20 mins 4 it n it aint as bad as every1 makes out cuz they play music u can hav a boogie 2 n u get chattin 2 ppl in the q. got 4 free drinks each day and vip access to the union garden which had clean toilets & hardly a q. also met loadsa bands in there; cherry ghost, mr hudson and the library, wombats etc. u get acess to a cash bar with no q's 4 it. deffo b doin it again this year!!
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm not too sure which is busier, but i'd advise leaving the motorway a junction early as there can be jams.


I wouldn't get your hopes up about free beer etc, the queues looked stupidy long last time, and i didn't think it was worth the wait, you'd be better waling back to your campstite for a can !!!

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hey man great post, this will be my 5th year at v in staffs, missed last year and was absolutely gutted!!!! i too will be stayin in a teepee on the red campsite, tis by far the best campsite so many people to party with! our teepee will be the one with the welsh flag! Give us a knock man we'll be ready and waiting with strongbow and vodka!


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Long time lurker on here, first time poster and festival virgin! Thanks for all the tips everyone, getting SO excited now! Just a few questions though:

-How strict are the capacity limits on the bigger stages? Like if you want to see the headliners would you have to be there a few acts beforehand to make sure you're allowed in, or should you be OK turning up closer to their performance time? (Basically I want to see Newton Faulkner and Muse but don't know if that's at all possible and if I'm just going to have to sacrifice one *tear*)

-Stupid girly question, but WHAT DO YOU WEAR?!?! I'm no fashionista but my wardrobe is pretty much made up of jeans (hardly practical if it's wet...) and dresses/skirts (and a few tops as well to preserve modesty, but anyway) which again may not be the most practical if it's windy. Plus... no pockets... so- which is the lesser of two evils, or should I just get myself to Primark and find some cheapy trousers that I don't mind destroying?

Aaah seven more sleeps! Can't wait!!

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Long time lurker on here, first time poster and festival virgin! Thanks for all the tips everyone, getting SO excited now! Just a few questions though:

-How strict are the capacity limits on the bigger stages? Like if you want to see the headliners would you have to be there a few acts beforehand to make sure you're allowed in, or should you be OK turning up closer to their performance time? (Basically I want to see Newton Faulkner and Muse but don't know if that's at all possible and if I'm just going to have to sacrifice one *tear*)

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Long time lurker on here, first time poster and festival virgin! Thanks for all the tips everyone, getting SO excited now! Just a few questions though:

-How strict are the capacity limits on the bigger stages? Like if you want to see the headliners would you have to be there a few acts beforehand to make sure you're allowed in, or should you be OK turning up closer to their performance time? (Basically I want to see Newton Faulkner and Muse but don't know if that's at all possible and if I'm just going to have to sacrifice one *tear*)

-Stupid girly question, but WHAT DO YOU WEAR?!?! I'm no fashionista but my wardrobe is pretty much made up of jeans (hardly practical if it's wet...) and dresses/skirts (and a few tops as well to preserve modesty, but anyway) which again may not be the most practical if it's windy. Plus... no pockets... so- which is the lesser of two evils, or should I just get myself to Primark and find some cheapy trousers that I don't mind destroying?

Aaah seven more sleeps! Can't wait!!

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hello carl nice post i`ll take it all onboard lol...havnt been 2 v b4 but others so its nice 2 c u care lol...do u know anythin about the early bird tickets i got my tickets off ticketline and therefore no email link ....is it worth it ?? or does the q go down quick lol...i hate queuin plus ive heard gettin a pitch can be a stress if u a bit late so wot u said about pitchin 1st is a class info cheers ... speakin of a class any tips or is it really random lol....nice 1 i`ll look out 4 u and tip my hat ....lee

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From my experiences of V/Download I would say that V is more relaxed, cosmopolitan, it is very rare to get merchants walking round offering the wares but in my experience there are plenty of scousers with gear (not being racist it has been a fact for the last 3 year's, find someone with a scouse accent and they have had gear on them for sale)

When rhe weather is poor most people go into their tents and arrange their own parties, the difference with Downalod (please don't jinx) is that the weather has been boiling for the last few years so everyone is running round like mad people all night, allot of people get lashed and go back to the tens when it has rained at V

You dont get the norm "I am Sparticous" chants all night like at V

You can not comapre the two really at all, you will see when you get there, I love them both for different reasons anf they can not be compared.

There is an indie disco on the Friday night and films etc on but due locals most things (apart from films) finish early.

You will find that at V there are more old uns (or more of a mix) than Download, interesting that you would think it would be younger but it is not, Leeds has the younger generation it appears.

Edited by Bazwaa
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hello carl nice post i`ll take it all onboard lol...havnt been 2 v b4 but others so its nice 2 c u care lol...do u know anythin about the early bird tickets i got my tickets off ticketline and therefore no email link ....is it worth it ?? or does the q go down quick lol...i hate queuin plus ive heard gettin a pitch can be a stress if u a bit late so wot u said about pitchin 1st is a class info cheers ... speakin of a class any tips or is it really random lol....nice 1 i`ll look out 4 u and tip my hat ....lee
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