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Camp Fields

Guest doobie ninja

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what did you think of them...noisy?....hilly?....packed?

I was in ORANGE and i thought it was great...apart from the massive walk to the arena and the fact we had to walk to the top of the campsite which included a massive hill! but we had space and it was fairly quiet, i think if you want noise and action go to the village, if you want to chill or sleep then head to ya tent.

Thing is i hate camping on hills, even slight hills. Some one i know reckons that most of the camp fields are on a hill, GOLD was for sure.

We turned up a Fri morning (about 8:15) so we headed straight to ORANGE because we thought we would not get a space within any of the other fields. what feilds fill up 1st?

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I too was in Orange.

Packed? slightly but nothing to complain about.

Hilly? Kinda, we were half way up on the far side near the burger van.

Noisy? Where tof**king start. I'm 21, I'm no posh school boy and think I have any rights over anyone else, BUT dont turn up to the patch that we got on the wednesday, on a friday set your tent up literally millimetres from my face and act like c**ts at 4am. I expect people to be enjoying themselves and making noise, if there wasn't any I wouldve been at the wrong place. Still the Welsh couple that set up on the SATURDAY inches from our tent to then piss on it whilst i'm attempting to get over RATM and 1 too many gaymers and to a lesser extent to posh boys that are the 'scene' type of rockers, you've all seen them, skinny jeans, checker shirt and longin-gate every word and the only reason they like the music is to get back at their super rich parents because they bought them an '06 KA instead o the brand new one they asked for so they listen to YouMeAtSix and think they're rebels. f**k YOU AND YOUR SMUG POSH GRINNING FACE.

Sorry, rant over. There is spelling mistakes in that but i'm using the net on my PS3.

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I was in Blue. Shit loads of space, less of a walk to the arena, nice neighbours. It really changed my mind on the closer campsites at big festivals, usually they are the worst.

The one downside was the robberies. The police told us there were 45 on the Wednesday night alone, although no one i knew got anything taken.

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we wanted blue but couldnt find anywhere big enough for five tents and a gazebo so had to do with green which wasnt to bad :)

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we were in white and it was hella noisy but thats pretty much what i expected so i wasnt too bothered, once your tired enought you'll sleep through anything

we were quite lucky i guess as we managed get quite a good space having 12 tents, 2 gazeebos and about 20 people in our group

didnt really hear of any trouble apart from one guy who was camped near us but not with us who had some beers nicked from his tent

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i was in green, the noise was there no doubt but i just got wrecked and passed out on a night anyway.

there were a few robberies, me and my mate even saw two questionables walking around peoples camps with a torch so we did the manly thing and stood and stared at them until they eventually f**ked off.

the next day a police volunteer woman came round saying they'd caught a couple of crims the night before, 'scouse romanians' which conjured up all kinds of images. She did tell us we were allowed to sue reasonable force if anyone was stealing our shit, so we were fully ready to drop kick and peanutbutter jar someone to the head for the rest of the weekend

...but nothing of mine was stolen.

I enjoyed Green, just down from Blue, fires on the Sunday/Monday but nothing overwhelming that made you feel unsafe.

Major kudos to the cleaning staff this year too because the portaloos were nothing short of fantastic for festival toilets. The cleanest ive ever seen.

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Graham and I were right at the front of white, pretty much straight at the entrance. We were the ones making most of the noise with the group we met. Spent much of Sunday before we went down to the arena Welly wanging (throwing a welly onto the path and shouting for people to throw it back) which was a game that never got old. Arranging to camp with the same people next year hopefully!

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