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Glastonbury bookers naming songs for Storm the Charts tomorrow night

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I don't know what sort of response this will get but if we pick up a few new members it's worth it :P

I'm the founder of the Storm the Charts thing (website here, facebook here) which has the ambitious/absurd aim of getting lots of new music in the top 40 at the same time.

The reason this has anything to do with this forum is that we're picking half of the 40 songs to do it with by a panel selection as well as public vote, and tomorrow night's guest panelists are Steve Henwood (who books the bands for the Babylon Bandstand at Glastonbury) and Emily Eavis (who... er, I think you lot know who Emily Eavis is).

I used to work for the Emerging Talent Competition before Q magazine took it over. This project is a totally voluntary thing though, it's not a business and I'm not employed by anyone, it's just a big fun group effort.

You can also help pick the songs and it'd be cool if any eFestivalers wanted to get stuck in - all of the bands and musicians who applied for this (which is nearly 600) will come up in random polls at http://stormthecharts.com/poll.php, if you listen to the 5 who come up and pick your favourite you've played a part, and the next public winners are also announced tomorrow night. Hope you find someone you like if you give it a go.

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