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Registration Problems?

Guest karlosfandango

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Yeah, I had problems earlier as did a few others. I don't think the basic form works at all TBH no matter what. I did however manage to successfully use the standard form on a machine considerably less ancient than Ye Olde Puter that I was using originally.

What error message(s) are you getting ? Also, make sure that your piccy is in portrait (not landscape) format and that there isn't a huge blank border around it such as it being an A4 sized page with just a small picy in the centre or anything like that. There always has been some basic checking of the pics when they're uploaded and it could be this that is failing.

See (or whoever) appear to have tweaked the form since last time and have no doubt introduced bugs or incompatibilities various in the process. I'm almost 100% sure the standard and basic forms worked just fine in the past for me but same piccy, same info and using the same puter wouldn't work this year :P I've given up trying to contact See or GFL to inform them of the problem because emails to the relevant addresses either bounce eventually or just go unanswered.

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Im using firefox. Pic is portrait, cropped, around 100kb and the width is fine...

I just get a message pretty much instantly...it reads error uploading picture...it detects the filesize but says make sure its under 1mb and wider than 135px...

Ive tried 50 or so other images that I took at recent gigs(!) just to see if the problem exists with all of them, and sure enough, it does!

I submitted the basic form and I got a blank page that said response code "403" in the top corner which again appears to be a crock of shite! ive had no email confirmation etc...tried to upload my mates pic aswell with the same result. :P

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I think "gone totally t*ts up" is perhaps the more technical term for what's apparently happening now then :P because that's even worse than it was a week or so ago !!

#403 generally means "forbidden" access so it's pretty much almost certainly screwed bigtime :D

However, I'll wander off and try completing the form again with the same info/pic as I used before a bit later on just to see what happens. Watch this space and all that ...

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Hmmmm, very strange, uploading my usual piccy via the standard form, works fine for me using FF 3.0.11 and WinXP Pro :P I didn't submit the registration as I guess you're getting the error immediately after selecting the piccy and not getting a preview either, just the error message. I think that means that there perhaps *is* something it doesn't like about your piccy but the error message isn't exactly being very helpful in saying what unfortunately. What is the actual size of the pic in pixels ? There used to be a simple check on the aspect ratio I think as well as a minimum width. What file format are you using ? It looks like it HAS to be jpeg this time whereas I think bmp and others were acceptable in the past.

My usual pic, which is an official passport sized photo scanned at 600dpi and what I've always used, is 670x1100, jpeg format and ~130KB.

Edited by mikeb
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Im using firefox. Pic is portrait, cropped, around 100kb and the width is fine...

I just get a message pretty much instantly...it reads error uploading picture...it detects the filesize but says make sure its under 1mb and wider than 135px...

Ive tried 50 or so other images that I took at recent gigs(!) just to see if the problem exists with all of them, and sure enough, it does!

I submitted the basic form and I got a blank page that said response code "403" in the top corner which again appears to be a crock of shite! ive had no email confirmation etc...tried to upload my mates pic aswell with the same result. :P

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Hmmmm, very strange, uploading my usual piccy via the standard form, works fine for me using FF 3.0.11 and WinXP Pro ;) I didn't submit the registration as I guess you're getting the error immediately after selecting the piccy and not getting a preview either, just the error message. I think that means that there perhaps *is* something it doesn't like about your piccy but the error message isn't exactly being very helpful in saying what unfortunately. What is the actual size of the pic in pixels ? There used to be a simple check on the aspect ratio I think as well as a minimum width. What file format are you using ? It looks like it HAS to be jpeg this time whereas I think bmp and others were acceptable in the past.

My usual pic, which is an official passport sized photo scanned at 600dpi and what I've always used, is 670x1100, jpeg format and ~130KB.

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Yeah I have disabled all security, firewall etc....even used a resize image program on the web so the size is 600 x 600 px - all its says is that it must be jpeg (which it is) that it must be under 1mb which it is, and it must be at least 135 px wide....erm...which it is! ;)

It's still not happening this morning - its been cropped so has no areas that are blank in the border....I think they will throw out bmp images as their only acceptable format is jpeg.

Whilst its fair to say this laptop isnt the best, I never have trouble uploading pics for stuff like ebay auctions etc....

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Hi, I had problems with my photo being approved even though it was the same one as last year. I tried 3 times and then gave up and emailed the office at Glastonbury with the problems I was having. They replied saying that they had passed on the information to seetickets about the problems. By the end of the day all 3 had been approved. If you are still haveing problems try emailing Glastonbury office from The glastonbury festival web page.

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I had the latest firefox version running, decided to install I.E version 8 and give it one final try....within seconds the photo uploads and its job done.

So if anyone has similar trouble to me, its probably not your pic, its firefox and its weird lack of ability to not only upload images but to also give the odd problems when you want to save them too.

Thanks a lot to those above who offered help....got my confirmation email now so happy!

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Glad you are all sorted, I know its along way off but I was not happy till it came through. I clicked on the box to be registered for future years. so do not have to worry about other years. See yo all by the cider bus, I will be the old geezer with a rasta hat on. ;)

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