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Guest fullalove

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Cried like a baby pretty much all the way through Neil Young. Cried during Cold War Kids. Cried when it was all over :angry:

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It was Blur for me, 4 times! Me and my mate were sobbing on each other's shoulders at To the End, absolutely stunning performance.

One of our group cried at East 17 - it was her first time at Glasto, and she had that "I'm just so f***ing happy" moment where you just realise how bloody fantastic the whole experience is!

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thursday night in stone circle, surrounded by my friends, just felt relief of being there (its been a hard year), and bawled my eyes out! hehe

welled up a few more times throughout the fest thru sheer happiness.

then cried again in the car on the way home cus a horrible lady shouted at me in the traffic jam :lol: even though I had done nothing wrong.

(what an overly emotional cry baby lol)

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Me and my sister grew up on the stuff - was the soundtracks to the Ardeche summers we had as our parents worked in France (they have since moved here) and as soon as we hear any of it it takes us right back.

It was her first Glastonbury since 2003, we enjoyed the set so so much and as the opening notes of Ghost Town broke through You're Wondering Now I screamed. Then she screamed. Then it came on and we both screamed and I burst into tears and couldn't stop crying and laughing and singing and dancing for the whole song.

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