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Everything posted by blutarsky

  1. What?! Bowie? When did this happen?
  2. Brilliant - thank you. What command do I need to enter to grab this?
  3. I'd like to see Bowie back again. Repeat 2000 please.
  4. Some have already gone - just been to try and download the IDLES and Wet Leg sets and they aren't there.
  5. I messaged them about some sunglasses I lost. They don’t have them, but got a lovely reply. Fortunately my eyes and all other body parts work correctly for the time being, so no issues with not being able to see!
  6. Thank you! Need some interiors, cupboard doors and drawers putting on mind you!
  7. Yep, Folkestone to Calais on the 31st. Pressure’s on!
  8. What a fucking nightmare! Demand the garage cover your ticket cost.
  9. I’ll echo that! Our awning arrived yesterday, or at least one of the two packages did… the other is out for a second delivery attempt today as “you were out when we called” yesterday, despite the fact Mrs B accepted package 1/2 and had it put in the hallway by the courier 😂 - pretty certain the courier forgot package 2 and is having to come back today but said we were out to avoid getting in trouble. We’ve gone for a (much-beloved in this parish) Quechua one, the Air Seconds base connect, with an internal bedroom as an extra. Anyone got one? Reviews online seemed good. https://www.decathlon.co.uk/p/6-person-inflatable-camping-shelter-air-seconds-base-connect/_/R-p-310023
  10. We have three vehicles [looks guilty] and all are diesel [looks guiltier]. 11 year old campervan, 11 year old estate and a 20 year old hatchback. Would love to upgrade to EV but they are way out of our price range for the time being. Fully intend to run the hatchback until it dies. MOT next month - fingers crossed it'll be fine. One redeeming factor for us is we have really quite low mileage. The hatchback does <3,000 miles a year.
  11. Summary of main changes: added one glamping field, arena same size, loads more sponsorship (Mixtons, Jubels, Signature Brew bars).
  12. I mean, who on the left can disagree with any of that? Those who go along the 'doesn't go far enough' line of attack are self sabotaging. Really annoyed me there were two typos though - out instead of our in number 5 and lost instead of lose in number 10. This is being published nationally. Proof read and make sure it's right FFS.
  13. Did more work on Sunday and a bit of plumbing tonight. Got the second and third bathroom panels cut and adhered one of them. The third needs the shower fitting to it before fixing the panel. I also did a fair bit of electrical work, connecting sockets and moving the fuse box - but none of that is really visible. Plumbing tonight with the assistance of plumber-at-large and step father-in-law Pete the Leak. Yes, the nickname does inspire confidence. He didn’t bring any jubilee clips with him 🙄 so his help extended to half connecting the taps, pointing out two rather large errors (which I can rectify by buying some more hose and running it) and confirming everything else looked roughly right. He was scared of the electrics on the toilet, water heater, and pump so those are for me to figure out on my own.
  14. Walked the dog and took my daughter to the park to go on the swings at 6am this morning. Definitely the right decision.
  15. It doesn’t taste of anything, has an unpleasant texture and I wouldn’t recommend. It’s some sort of grain. Fucking pointless.
  16. Make people do a test to see if they qualify to come. Shopped at M&S or a John Lewis in the last month? Banned. Monarchist? Banned. Think “Boris” is “just like us, normal”? Banned, and offered the opportunity to buy some magic beans. Pronounce Quinoa “kwin-O-ah” because you’ve never heard of it? Given a discount. Do you know my Mother-in-law by any chance? If I had a quid for every time I heard her say, “oh I love X - me and Pat are going to go see them next year,” - leaving me thinking, “you know tickets for X’s tour would have gone on sale at least a month ago?” She’ll spend the next 9 months talking about how she’s going to see them, then change the narrative to, “we were going to go and see them, but I expect the tickets are sold out now” and fairly quickly pivot back to “seeing them next year,” all without so much as Googling to see if they even went on tour. Since Mrs B and I got Glastonbury tickets for the first time in 2016 she’s told us she’s “going to come next year, although I’m not sure how I’ll cope with the toilets,” on an annual basis. She does have a registration… because I set it up for her. Come the time we need to get organised for a sale she always defaults to “next year.” In fairness to her, she did go to a small local festival a few weeks ago and camp overnight to see how she got on, so I guess leopards can change their spots. Also in fairness to her, I reckon Glastonbury would be too much for her physically. She’d need to camp out at a stage for a few hours at a time with a camping chair.
  17. Busy week! Last Sunday I got some shelves built and finished our overhead cupboard. I’ve banged my head on it approximately 700 times since… During the week I fitted a couple more sockets, but then yesterday was a big day. While Mrs B slapped paint everywhere, I fitted our worktop. We went for an IKEA one, the Vrena oak laminate. I’m absolutely chuffed with it. It’s only 22mm thick so not too heavy over our 2m length. I also fitted out sink, tap and hob. A plumber mate is connecting them for us during the week. I then got started on boarding out the bathroom and making it waterproof. This was NOT FUN. I’m using 10mm hollow core rigid boards and just to get them into the bathroom I had to remove the toilet and front wall of the bathroom. I had to use a heat gun to get a bend into the board and after about two hours the first panel was in place, but with fairly big gaps around the edges which will need covering with considerable amounts of trim. At the moment it’s been wedged in place over night while the Stixall I used as adhesive cures. Fingers crossed it all looks ok when I go in there in a bit. Here are some pics.
  18. I arrived around the same time and had the same experience. The camper fields were more or less full, and when I drove out post-headliners on Sunday I could see that there had only been 100-200 more campers turn up since midday on Thursday.
  19. 67,000 crew would all be there. That's 32% on site before gates even open. I believe the number of coach packages sold (including the 7,000 increase this year) is 29,000, so half of coach travelers = 14,500 people, or around 7%. 32% + 7% = 39% definitely on site by Wednesday evening. That leaves 128,500 people as GA ticket holders / hospitality / artists. To hit 90% capacity (189,000 people) on site by Wednesday evening 107,500 GA ticket holders would need to arrive on Wednesday, with 21,000 GA / artists / hospitality following on Thursday/Friday, along with the <14,500 coach ticket holders who arrive on Thursday. That seems very likely to me.
  20. I agonised over buying one of these for ages because of the price and the concept of Shangri La collaborating with a massive producer, and the cognitive dissonance of it. Eventually I bought one and am chuffed I did.
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