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  1. Pretty sure the son runs fritter shack by the Pyramid. Looks almost identical to a No Bones Jones plate. Bhudda Bowl a few doors down is also very special and healthy.
  2. Gwladboy

    In Memoriam

    My dad’s a sax player and Sanborn was his hero, he met him a bunch of times and I grew up on those albums. Good shout.
  3. Was also there in 22 for Rog and also every night in 23 but only noticed the secret bunker behind the stage on the last night. Could barely hear some music, walked up to a mound of earth and within was a corridor to a hobbit like venue with 2 djs playing jungle. Marvellous
  4. Gwladboy

    'Healthy' food

    I caught Covid last year at the fest. Didn’t realise until I was so rough I had to leave early on the Sunday but I’m sure No Bones Jones food bought me an extra day and meant I could see McCartney.
  5. Gazebo’s are for selfish twats
  6. Gwladboy

    Beer Prices

    And they say China and Russia are the bad guys
  7. meh. I want somebody actually good. Stevie Wonder
  8. Yes, and dark rectangular eyebrows
  9. This all getting very boring, I’ll pop back later when normal service is resumed
  10. Oh if you could dm me that would make my day
  11. Yeah I think you’ve made your point and we’re all clear onwards
  12. Any kind souls know what beer is going to be sold up there this year, or have a picture of the offerings last year by any chance?
  13. I saw them in Glade, which was wonderful and also in a castle in South Wales, they do seem to get some great venues. My mate went to Warsaw to see them in a small underground venue and when Spitfire started all the Poles went mental.
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