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  1. I need to go back to this English teacher album. Remember feeling a bit meh on release as I felt all the advance releases were massive standouts and the rest of the album didn’t do as much for me after high expectations. got a ticket to see them later in year but hadn’t really persisted with more listens . Will revisit
  2. internetjef

    2024 New Music

    New los campensinos album is a good listen. Think im gonna snag a ticket to upcoming Bristol gig at SWX hopefully still get a few earlier tracks I am very fond of sprinkled in
  3. yeah I went off like a rocket after Justice and raced over to shangri la as I hadn’t made it on the earlier nights. Even then it was looking a bit dicey on that bit where you step up onto the railway track and everyone is like a zombie hoard, before they let a chunk of the crowd enter . Wouldn’t have fancied that crowd management job . hadnt even gone to see anything in particular , just for a bit of last night raving, was a welcome bonus when realised the Bobs were playing nearby
  4. Missed leftfield set but caught them in shangri la / peace stage on Sunday night late on. Very enjoyable and credit for a particularly ambitious bit of crowd diving at the end. Climbed up above where the sound desk was opposite the stage and went in from a quite a height with reasonable air-time ha
  5. snap! Checking in every day to see what’s been announced , and always hear it here first before I get all the spammy gigs/tour promo emails in the weeks that follow. really is a cracking thread
  6. We weren’t quite on the barrier Skip, prob about 10 people deep back. Possibly fractionally further to the right also. If I had known there was more room further forward I would have shuffled in, presumed it would be even stickier in there. Good work on getting the spot you had , bet you were still seeing that light show hours after the event!
  7. Just rewatched on iplayer . Absolutely storming. Only slight criticism was it got really chocca where I was so very limited ability to dance much. filtered in from the west holts / goan fish side along the side wall right up to the front of the stage about 30 mins before set with no bother. We were right near the front to the right as you look at the stage. Unfortunately as it filled up behind us we started to get pinned in, and it was definitely sub-optimal conditions by set kick off. Still had a great time though some of the live re-workings of the new album tunes (some of which I felt a bit meh on listening to album), went off like a rocket live. Mashing some for then in with the more established older tunes also worked well. Back in 2017 or whenever it was the guy went into the crowd at the end , held up by arms, and smoked a ciggy while just taking it all in . Looked like he was gonna do it again at one point but then he turned back. Think I saw him vaping mid-set so maybe he has kicked the cigs, and didnt think the crowd held aloft vape would look as cool ha
  8. Just watched this back on iplayer. Looked tremendous. Really glad they smashed it after the iffy pyramid showing a few years back
  9. Disclosure dropping what appeared to be a straight cover of insomnia for no reason other than it is a absolute banger haven’t watched it back so prob find I imagined this now ha
  10. watched these guys headline wide awake in Brixton a couple of months back. First time I have seen them and one of the most impressive performances I have seen in ages. echo that night would be best. Woodsies or Park headliner sounds about right. Max volume would be key so if either park or woodsies has any later evening sound restrictions best to go for the one that doesn’t
  11. internetjef


    I went to watch Janelle and couldn’t fathom how small the crowd was. I knew avril lavigne would draw a fair bit of fire but Janelle is a pretty big star these days and known to have a great live rep. Heart sank a bit at how small it was considering she might have peeped out before at Shanias crowd then walked out to that. comfortably strolled inside the crash barrier and there was room there all through the set. Don’t think I’ve ever seen such a small pyramid crowd for anyone later than 1st or 2nd on each day. She was brilliant also so a real shame more people weren’t around to see her. im guessing maybe a few more would have stayed if one of the two acts beyond her had more ‘traditional’ glasto appeal (ie guitar band or a radio 2 friendly act for the Sunday crowd). glad to hear Sza’s crowd was substantially bigger even though still very small comparative to most pyramid headliners. I hope these small crowds don’t put off future US acts from taking up Glasto’s offers
  12. Yep enjoyed this too. Would have loved to sub a couple of tracks out for a couple more SA ones but that’s being picky. Seemed to land well with the crowd around us overall too
  13. Managed to scoff …. bayou mixed chicken / prawn / fries bowl. Really enjoyed Indonesia chicken curry place - went twice . Both great. First time had the chicken , went back for the beef rendang too goan fish curry - standard Mexican Seoul - Korean wings . Great and massive wings with so much meat on them , right old mess to eat but worth it eat the bird - grabbed a burger one lunchtime and very impressed really enjoyed all but I think if I had to pick a winner I would go with beef rendang from the Indonesian chicken curry place Cheers for recommendations all
  14. Bumping this thread as it’s almost time reading back from start to finish , trying to mentally block out a certain abscence that rhymes with bumble, think I am gonna try and target some of these … tried before … goan fish curry Mexican Seoul yet to try … eat the farm roaming rotisserie Indonesian coconut curry come at me with more tips people
  15. Idles brining on LCD guys for dancer could be a goer, ample time to tack across after their own set
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